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Monday 17 December 2012

English 10E
Romeo & Juliet
1. Read Act III sc iii and iv.
2. Did summaries for Act III sc iii and iv.
3. You should have already done a summary for Act III sc ii on your own - if you haven't already, please ensure this gets done.
4. Time in class to work on drawings for scenes read today.
5. Tomorrow: Act III sc v (read, summarize, draw).
**Act III graphic novel is due Friday Dec. 21st!!!**

Comm 12
1. All Act I questions due today.
2. Act I quiz.
3. Read Act II sc i & ii; questions for these scenes are due tomorrow (homework check).
4. Analysis, theme.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Character sketches handed back.
2. Time to work on Music Parallels project and/or essay outline
*In-class essay Wednesday*