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Thursday 13 February 2014

English 12
Short Stories
1. Labeling/Perception.
2. Read "Disillusionment" by Thomas Mann.
3. Questions (due tomorrow): **Cite your textual support by paragraph**
-Using examples from the text, explain the significance of Mann's description of the setting and the characters. (M)
-Why does Mann describe the man with no age ("...he might have been thirty years old, he might have been fifty." p. 3)? (S)
-What are some polarities established in the story, and what is their importance? (L-XL)
- When does the man feel free? What does he lament for? (M-L)
- What is the author's tone? Provide two examples as support for your answer. (M)

Psychology 11
Chapter 2
1. Hypothesis Formulation homework (check).
2. In-Class Assignment: 2-12: Operational Definitions.
3. Homework: Ensure 2-11 and 2-13 are complete (hand in tomorrow).
*If you haven't already, finish reading and making notes on Chapter 2.*

English 10E
Short Stories
1. Finish questions #13-19 for "The Possibility of Evil".
2. Complete Plot Diagram.
3. Vocabulary Sentences (finish for homework).
4. Introduction to Character Sketch (finish tomorrow in-class).