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Friday 14 February 2014

English 12
Short Stories
1. Hand in "Disillusionment" questions.
2. Read "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence.
3. Write a theme statement about the futility of the pursuit of riches.
- Continue analysis of "TRHW" Monday.
*No homework this weekend.*

Psychology 11
Module 2
1. Hand in 2-11 to 2-13
2. Watch Stanford Prison Experiment documentary.
- More information on the experiment: Click Me.
3. Handout: Questions (due Tuesday).
*Review Module 2 (p.17 - 38) this weekend --> Quiz on Monday.**

English 10E
Short Stories
1. Hand in plot diagram, vocabulary sentences, and questions for "The Possibility of Evil."
2. Work on character sketch of Miss Strangeworth (background information, physical description, character traits, type of character, type of conflict, etc).
*No homework this weekend.*