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Monday 17 February 2014

English 12
Short Stories
1. Feedback on "Reunion"/"Bananafish" synthesis.
2. "The Rocking-Horse Winner" continued.
Essay topic:
Assess the author's use of symbolism in "TRHW".
- Symbol examples: rocking-horse, the house, money, luck, uncle, mother, Paul
**Your essay will analyze how the symbols illuminate the theme of disillusionment that results from the pursuit of riches.**
3. Tomorrow: Analysis, symbol explanation

Psychology 11
Module 2
1. Discuss module 2 quiz (not for marks).
2. Handout: Research paper due Thursday 20th (questions also due Thursday, 20th).

Psychology 11 – Mini-Research Paper
Research Topic: Discuss criticism of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
·         Paragraph 1 (50-75 words):
·          A brief introduction outlining the date, purpose, and researcher of the experiment.
·         Type of experiment
·         Experimenter’s hypothesis
·         Identify variables
·         Setting, procedures
·         Any other details you think are important

§  Paragraph 2 (150-300 words):
·         Results of the experiment
·         Criticisms of the experiment
·         Ethics code violations (see the American Psychological Association Code of Ethics)
·         The experiment’s effects/influence on other studies at the time/after?

o   Paragraph 3 (150 words-300 words):
§  Your opinion of the experiment:
·         Was it ethical to do this study? Was it right to trade the suffering experienced by the participants for the knowledge gained by the research? If you were the experimenter in charge, would you have done this study? Would you have terminated it earlier? Would you have conducted a follow-up study?
Marking Criteria:
ü  In-depth analysis of the experiment (procedures)           /5
ü  In-depth analysis of ethics violations                                       /5
ü  Accurate knowledge of the experiment displayed            /5
ü  Application of the code of ethics to the experiment        /10
ü  ALL references properly cited (failure to do so results in a mark of “0”)   /5
ü  Clarity of expression (grammar, punctuation, citation)                                    /5
ü  Questions completed (research)                                              /10
ü  Handed in on-time, proper length                            /5

Due Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2014                                                                                    /50

3. Tomorrow: Code of Ethics, Citation rules

English 10E
Short Stories
1. Character Sketch practice:
- Topic Sentence:
Billy is _________, __________, and _____________.
2. Provide evidence for the adjectives you used in your topic sentence
- Evidence:
Situations that highlight the person's CHARACTER (personality).
3. Tie each situation (evidence) back to original (i.e. descriptive) adjectives.