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Friday, 22 January 2016

Psyche 11
Final Exam
1. Complete final exam (due at the end of class).
2. Marks will be posted outside B113 Monday.

1. Exit Interview

Comm 12
1. Feedback on Part B paragraphs, essay outlines.
2. Grammar, lit device, writing review.
*Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th (AM)*


It's been a pleasure teaching you this semester! Good luck with exams! :)

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Psyche 11
Final Exam
1. Finish multiple choice.
2. Begin written section.
*You have tomorrow's class to finish - exam is due at 950am, Friday, January 22nd*
*You may not take exam home.*

Planning 2.0
1. Finish presentations.
2. Feedback, updated marks.
3. Tomorrow: Exit interview/last group session.

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Feedback on Part B Info-Text paragraph
2. Original Comp Essay reminders, strategies, outlines, brainstorming.
(outline due tomorrow at 2pm).
3. Tomorrow: Finish OC outlines, grammar & lit device review.
*Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th AM*
*Please return novels!*

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Psyche 11
Final Exam
1. Last minute review.
2. Return textbooks.
3. Begin Final Exam - Multiple Choice (9:10AM). You will have tomorrow's and Friday's class to finish. You may not take the exam home with you.

Planning 2.0
1. Written due.
2. Presentations (continued tomorrow).
3. Exit Interview Friday.

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Part B - Info text paragraph (Well Answered Question and Q.I. review). Due at the end of class.
2. Tomorrow: Part B WAQ feedback, begin Original Comp outlines.
*Please return novels ASAP*
**Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th (AM).**
***If you have questions about Alt settings/category allocations, please check with your LA teacher by the end of this week.***

*Semester 2 Timetables distributed in TAG, end of day*

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Psyche 11
Final Exam Review
1. Review self-tests.
2. Final Exam Breakdown:
- 60 multiple choice
- 20 marks = 2 short answer questions
- 20 marks = 1 essay
= 100 marks
*This Wednesday (9:10AM) Thursday and Friday in-class (you may not take final exam home).
*Textbooks due TOMORROW 9AM.*

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Complete written portion of project (due tomorrow/when you present).
2. Plan presentation (for tomorrow; 10-20 minutes per group. Please do not read your written portion. Plan to conduct an activity/engage the class with one of your proposed lessons).
*Exit Interview/Final Grade consultation: Friday.*

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Feedback (business letter & visual design).
2. Part A - Literary Text (reading comprehension, multiple choice).
3. If finished Part A, begin Part B (info-text).
*Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th (AM)*

*Mark Cut-off for all classes will be at the END OF YOUR CLASS ON FRIDAY.*

Monday, 18 January 2016

Psyche 11
Final Exam Review
1. Review answers to self-tests (continue tomorrow).
*Possible Essay Topics include:*
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Parenting Styles
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Erikson's Stages of Psycho-social Development
- Freud's Theories of the Unconscious (id/ego/superego, defense mechanisms)
2. Final Exam: (Begin half-way through Wednesday's class? Decide tomorrow.)Thursday, January 21st and Friday, January 22nd.

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Finish written portion of project (due Wednesday).
2. Be prepared to present Wednesday January 20th-Thursday January 21st.

Comm 12
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Essays and Crash questions returned, updated marks.
2. Review: Business Letter and Visual Design (due at the end of class).
3. Please return novels ASAP.
Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th (AM).

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 30
1. Guest speakers.
2. Homework: Finish reading Module 30, self-tests (final exam review).

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Guest speakers.
2. Planning 2.0 - finish written (bring lap-top tomorrow if need be, you're responsible for your own valuables).

Comm 12
Stereotyping and Bias
1. Work on Crash questions (due at the end of tomorrow's class).
*All essays and novels due TODAY*

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 30
1. Review p. 573-579, exercises 30-1 and 30-2.
2. Homework: Read p. 580-592 (by Friday).
3. Tomorrow: Guest Speakers.
4. Final Exam Review: Monday, January 18th - Wednesday January 20th (complete the self-tests at the end of each module we've studied).
5. Final Exam: Thursday, January 21st- Friday, January 22nd.

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Continue working on Planning 2.0 curriculum package (introduction + PLOs + Achievement Indicators + Reproducible worksheets + Resources).
*Written due January 19th (~5-10 pages, ~10-30 PLOs, ~5-10 reproducibles)
*Present January 20th - 21st.*
2. Tomorrow: Guest Speakers. You may want to bring your laptops on Friday and Monday. **You are responsible for your valuables.**

Comm 12
Stereotypes and Bias
1. Continue Crash.
2. 9 questions (3 from each section) due Friday at the end of class. Each question should be 5-10 complete sentences each.
3. Next week: Provincial Exam Prep/Review.
**All essays are due (extensions) TODAY. Please return novels ASAP.**
***Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th, 8-1130am***

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 25
1. Module 25 Quiz.
2. Review Exercises 25-7, 8, 9.
3. Homework: Read p. 573-579, complete exercises 30-1 to 30-3.
*Guest Speakers on Thursday.*
**To review for final exam, start doing the self-tests at the end of each module. During review, we will go over the answers to these self-tests -- Monday-Wednesday next week. Final Exam Next Wednesday-Friday TENTATIVELY**

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Written due January 19th (intro/rationale/timeline/audience, PLOs + Achievement Indicators, templates/resources). ~5-10 pages, ~10-30 PLOs (with AIs for each PLOs). You will also need to include reproducibles and resources/URLs.
2. Presentation January 20th/21st - PowerPoint/group session example/other (see me for help/questions).
*Guests Thursday?*

Comm 12
Stereotypes and Bias
1. Watch Crash (continue tomorrow).
2. Crash questions due at the end of Friday's class.
*3 from each section = 9 questions in total, 5-10 complete sentences per question.
*Next week: Provincial Exam review*
**Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th 8AM-1130AM**

Monday, 11 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 25
1. Discuss/review exercise 25-5, Oedipal complex (Freud).
2. Homework: Finish reading module (p. 490-492), review for quiz (tomorrow).
3. Tomorrow: Module 25 Quiz, exercises 25-7 to 25-12.
*Ensure you review Freud's id/ego/superego theory and be able to define and give examples for Freud's defense mechanisms*

Planning 2.0
1. Groups (written); objective, rationale, decide on PLOs.
*Written due January 19th (~5-10 pages, ~10-30 PLOs)
- Introduction page: Rationale, timeline, target audience, summary of what's covered, etc.
- Prescribed Learning Outcomes + Achievement Indicators
**You do NOT need to provide ALL original work. You may borrow from the current curriculum as long as you ADD/AMEND/CHANGE/EXPAND what is there. Any changes you make or original additions should be ITALICIZED so that I know what is your original work.**
- Handouts: You must include reproducibles (i.e. templates, worksheets, quizzes, etc that are mentioned in your AIs)
- Resources/References (titles/website URLs where you find your resources)
*Present: January 20th-21st
- PowerPoint and/or example group session/other (see me for help/details).
**Today we are in the library, tomorrow we are in B208**

Comm 12
Stereotyping & Bias
1. Presentation: Psychosis (Mac Theatre)
2. Tomorrow and Wednesday: Watch: Crash (2004).
*Questions (due at the end of Friday's class).*

Friday, 8 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 25
1. Warm up - Skits: 25-6AB (defense mechanisms), personality ("I am...").
2. Review/Discuss homework (p. 479-484, 25-3 to 25-5).
3. Homework: Read p. 485-489, ensure exercises 25-3 to 25-5 are complete (review Monday).

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Groups -- Decide objective, audience, unit plan categories, PLOs; brainstorm activities (achievement indicators)
See Planning 10 Curriculum for PLO examples and achievement indicators
2. Written Unit Plan (~5-10 pages, ~10-30 PLOs; EVERY PLO must include achievement indicators) due Tuesday, January 19th.
3. Present: January 20th/21st (tentatively).
*Next week: Monday in the library, Tuesday in B208.*

Comm 12
1. Finish In-Class Essay (due at the end of class--Unless we spoke about an extension). Staple Essay Outline to the back of your essay.
2. Return novels.

Have a great weekend! Two more weeks until Exams!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 24
1. Module 24 quiz; mark, record.
2. Introduction to Psychoanalytic/Humanistic Psychology:
- Complete 25-1, 25-2AB in-class.
3. Homework: Read p. 479-484, complete exercises 25-3 to 25-5.

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Guest Speaker - Financial Literacy.
2. Tomorrow: Group Work.

Comm 12
1. In-Class essay (you may NOT take it home, you have tomorrow's class to finish).
*Tomorrow: In-Class Essay and Outline due at 245.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 24
1. Review all remaining sections of exercise of module 24 booklet (in-class activities).
2. Tomorrow: Module 24 quiz, begin Module 25.

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Decide groups for Planning 2.0 project.
2. Brainstorm subcategories, timelines, activities, etc.
*Tomorrow: Guest Speaker, prepare questions about financial literacy.*

Comm 12
1. Homework check: Essay outline (to be handed in with essay on Friday).
2. Begin in-class essay (you may NOT take this home). Due at the end of Friday's class.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 24
1. Review reading, creative IQ activities, multiple intelligences.
2. Review exercises 24-1 and 24-2.
3. Homework: Read p. 466-472, complete exercises 24-3 to 24-5.
*Date change: Module 24 quiz is now on Thursday.*

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Groups (form tomorrow):
- Objective/Mission Statement (independent work) - which age/group would you target? where/when in the schedule would you organize it? which topics would you focus on?
- Grad Transitions - Education/Careers - Financial Literacy - Health (physical/mental/sexual)
**Continue tomorrow.**
2. Speaker this Thursday :).

Comm 12
1. Continue working on/complete essay outline (homework check tomorrow).
2. IN-CLASS essay (Wednesday-Friday) --> You may NOT take the essay home (students who do so will receive "0"). You are able to pick up your essay if you have a learning assistance block.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Welcome back!

*15 Classes until end of term 2/Exam week*

Psyche 11
Module 24
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Warm-Up: 2016 Resolutions?
3. Watch What Makes Us Smart documentary.
4. Homework: Read p. 455-463, exercises 24-1, 24-2.
*Remaining modules: 25, 30.*
*Final Exam: In-Class January 20th-22nd*

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Updated marks.
2. Holiday Debrief.
3. Planning 2.0
- groups
- sections/review/revise
Planning 10 PLOs/Outline
*Due Tuesday, January 12th.*
**Homework tonight: Choose a section that interests you; commit to it tomorrow.**
3b. Last Interview Sessions (Client/Helper Pairs):
- Sessions Observed January 19th - 22nd

Comm 12
1. Updated marks, work returned.
2. Essay outline (homework check: beginning of Wednesday's class).
- min. 4 paragraphs, max. 6 paragraphs
- Intro and Conclusion paragraphs = min. 5 sentences each
- intro MUST open with theme and thesis statements (and restate these in conclusion)
- body paragraphs = 7-12 sentences each
- 4-6 quotations (properly introduced, integrated, cited, and explained) -- in body paragraphs
- min. 5 transitions
- double-space, grammar, punctuation, spelling
3. Essay due at the end of Friday's class.
**Note: This is an in-class essay. At NO POINT will you take it home. You will have Wednesday's, Thursday's, and Friday's classes to complete it.***