Psyche 11
Module 25
1. Module 25 Quiz.
2. Review Exercises 25-7, 8, 9.
3. Homework: Read p. 573-579, complete exercises 30-1 to 30-3.
*Guest Speakers on Thursday.*
**To review for final exam, start doing the self-tests at the end of each module. During review, we will go over the answers to these self-tests -- Monday-Wednesday next week. Final Exam Next Wednesday-Friday TENTATIVELY**
Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Written due January 19th (intro/rationale/timeline/audience, PLOs + Achievement Indicators, templates/resources). ~5-10 pages, ~10-30 PLOs (with AIs for each PLOs). You will also need to include reproducibles and resources/URLs.
2. Presentation January 20th/21st - PowerPoint/group session example/other (see me for help/questions).
*Guests Thursday?*
Comm 12
Stereotypes and Bias
1. Watch Crash (continue tomorrow).
2. Crash questions due at the end of Friday's class.
*3 from each section = 9 questions in total, 5-10 complete sentences per question.
*Next week: Provincial Exam review*
**Provincial Exam: Tuesday, January 26th 8AM-1130AM**