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Friday, 8 January 2016

Psyche 11
Module 25
1. Warm up - Skits: 25-6AB (defense mechanisms), personality ("I am...").
2. Review/Discuss homework (p. 479-484, 25-3 to 25-5).
3. Homework: Read p. 485-489, ensure exercises 25-3 to 25-5 are complete (review Monday).

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Groups -- Decide objective, audience, unit plan categories, PLOs; brainstorm activities (achievement indicators)
See Planning 10 Curriculum for PLO examples and achievement indicators
2. Written Unit Plan (~5-10 pages, ~10-30 PLOs; EVERY PLO must include achievement indicators) due Tuesday, January 19th.
3. Present: January 20th/21st (tentatively).
*Next week: Monday in the library, Tuesday in B208.*

Comm 12
1. Finish In-Class Essay (due at the end of class--Unless we spoke about an extension). Staple Essay Outline to the back of your essay.
2. Return novels.

Have a great weekend! Two more weeks until Exams!