Welcome to our online classroom! Stay up to date with homework, marks, and announcements as well as find useful links and resources.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Welcome back!

*15 Classes until end of term 2/Exam week*

Psyche 11
Module 24
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Warm-Up: 2016 Resolutions?
3. Watch What Makes Us Smart documentary.
4. Homework: Read p. 455-463, exercises 24-1, 24-2.
*Remaining modules: 25, 30.*
*Final Exam: In-Class January 20th-22nd*

Counselling 11
Planning 2.0
1. Updated marks.
2. Holiday Debrief.
3. Planning 2.0
- groups
- sections/review/revise
Planning 10 PLOs/Outline
*Due Tuesday, January 12th.*
**Homework tonight: Choose a section that interests you; commit to it tomorrow.**
3b. Last Interview Sessions (Client/Helper Pairs):
- Sessions Observed January 19th - 22nd

Comm 12
1. Updated marks, work returned.
2. Essay outline (homework check: beginning of Wednesday's class).
- min. 4 paragraphs, max. 6 paragraphs
- Intro and Conclusion paragraphs = min. 5 sentences each
- intro MUST open with theme and thesis statements (and restate these in conclusion)
- body paragraphs = 7-12 sentences each
- 4-6 quotations (properly introduced, integrated, cited, and explained) -- in body paragraphs
- min. 5 transitions
- double-space, grammar, punctuation, spelling
3. Essay due at the end of Friday's class.
**Note: This is an in-class essay. At NO POINT will you take it home. You will have Wednesday's, Thursday's, and Friday's classes to complete it.***