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Friday, 11 March 2016

English 12
- Complete and hand in Hamlet essays.

Socials 10
- Booklets due Wednesday, March 30th.
- Continue with 3.5 booklet (colony perspectives, conferences, Irish tensions, political
--> documentary
*Unit 3 Test and essay: Thursday, March 31st- Friday, April 1st.*

English 11
- Complete ASP essays, hand in.
- Return novels.

**English classes: if you were granted an extension on your essay, it must be emailed to me no later than Sunday, March 13th.**

**Because of yesterday's power surge, SSS's Internet and networks are down. I cannot update or access your marks until after Spring Break; you will have an updated mark once we are back from break.**
**Parent-Teacher Interviews: March 31st, 6-8pm**