English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Review chapters 9-10.
2. Read chapters 11-13.
3. Answer questions (full answers, quotations and page numbers when appropriate, themes when applicable). Chapters 1-13 questions due TOMORROW at the BEGINNING of class.
4. Take some time to review the first half of the novel for your essay prep (you should already have a topic in mind). Make note of quotations and themes that you may use.
Socials 10
British Columbia
1. Quiz: p. 213-219.
2. Notes: 6.3 (Gold Rush), 6.4 (Confederation).
3. Homework:
- read p. 220-230
- questions #21-28 (1).
4. Tomorrow: Quiz on p. 220-230.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Continue essay (due at the end of class).
2. Staple essay outline to BACK of essay.
3. Return novels.