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Friday, 13 May 2016


English 12
The Catcher in the Rye
1. Chapters 1-13 questions due.
2. Distributed: Chapters 14-26 questions.
3. In-Class: Read chapters 14 and 15 (analyze, answer questions).
4. Homework:
- Start planning/prepping essay
- Read chapter 16, answer questions
- Find quotations for essay
**Provincial Exam: Friday, June 24th (AM)**

Socials 10
British Columbia
1. Quiz: p. 220-230.
2. Notes: 6.5 Immigration and Racism.
3. Homework:
- read p. 231-239
- questions #29-34
*Monday: Quiz (p. 231-239).
4. Unit 6 Test: Wednesday, May 18th (Booklet 1 Due).
**Final Exam: Tuesday, June 21st (AM)**

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Late essays, questions due.
2. Return novels.
3. Watch: Sands of the Kalahari (finish Monday).
4. WAQ Assignment:
Citing examples from Sands of the Kalahari, describe how the film supports Freud's theory of the unconscious (id/ego/superego).
*12-15 sentences *theme, thesis statements *analyze in present tense *specific examples from film *grammar, punctuation *due Tuesday, May 17th (NO EXTENSIONS).*
**Final Exam: Monday, June 20th (AM)**

Have a great weekend!