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Friday, 14 October 2016

ALL CLASSES - If you cannot arrange a Saturday school, the last day to make up missed tests is Friday, October 28th in B113 from 1-330pm (early dismissal day due to parent-teacher interviews Thursday night).
ALL CLASSES - Do not throw away marked assignments/tests until Semester 2.

Socials 10
Unit 0
1. Complete good draft of Pocahontas essay/film critique. Due at the end of class.
2. Complete film notes organizer. Due at the end of class.
3. Homework: Map of North America before Confederation (textbook p. 106). Colour and label for Monday. (Homework check)

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. In-Class WAQ:
Describe the significance of the description of Gene and Finny's room, as well as Gene's insistence that he "no longer need[s] [his] vivid false identity" (148).
- theme - thesis - 5-8 quotations, including the topic quotation (I, I, C, E) - transitions - conclusion - mechanics/format
*Due at the end of class*

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Chapter 9
- read - answer questions

Socials 11
World War I
1. Quiz (p. 24-52).
- mark, record
2. Monday: Review/discuss homework (p. 51; #1, 5 Practice Questions; #1, 2 Fast Forward).
3. Film: Passchendaele (Purpose: Review WW1/Canada in battle up to 1917).
4. Homework: Review chapter, maps, terms. Consider the end-of-unit essay topic (Describe the political, economic, and social impact of World War I on Canada.)
*Next week: The Eastern Front review, The End of the War (The Hundred Days Campaign), Paris Peace Conference, The Treaty of Versailles, The League of Nations.

1. Monday: Game at GW (4PM warm-up, 430 start).
2. Wednesday: SSS hosts GW (3pm warm-up, 330 start).
3. Thursday: Practice with Mel at 430 (may end a bit early due to the boys hosting a game).