Socials 10
Unit 0
1. Finish film adaptation of Pocahontas.
2. Historical Facts, primary sources (notes).
3. Work on outline/rough draft of essay-movie-review (ensure you have a strong thesis!).
3b. Complete organizer worksheet.
4. Pocahontas essay good draft written in-class TOMORROW, due at the end of class.
English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Work returned, updated marks
2. Chapter 11
- read - answer questions
3. Prepare outline for tomorrow's in-class WAQ:
Describe the significance of Gene and Finny's room description, as well as Gene's insistence that he "no longer needs this vivid false identity" (148).
- theme, thesis, 5-8 quotations, etc.
English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 4-8 questions due.
2. Chapter 8 WAQ (written in-class). Due at the end of class.
Socials 11
World War I
1. Review/discuss formal questions (#1-4, p. 47).
2. Pairs: read p. 48, answer questions #1, 2. Discuss as a class.
3. Notes: The Conscription Crisis
4. Homework:
- read p. 49-51 - questions: #1, 5 (Practice Questions), #1, 2 (Fast Forward) [found on p.51]
- review terms, maps (quiz tomorrow)
1. Meet with assistant coaches at lunch in B113.
Next week:
2. Monday: Game at GW (warm-up at 4, start at 430).
3. Wednesday: SSS hosts GW (warm-up at 3, start at 330).
4. Thursday: Practice with Mel 430-6