Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Discuss/review homework assignment (p. 105-108; #4-6, 22-23).
2. Tonight's homework: Read p. 93-97 (prepare for a quiz Monday) + review the chapter so far.
- Start planning your Unit 3 Essay (political, social, economic factors that lead to confederation).
3. Current Events: Final Trump Clinton debate.
*Fact Checking the Final Debate*
4. Next week: The Indian Act, Residential Schools, the road to Confederation continued.
English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Start/Continue In-Class Essay.
--> Outlines + novel allowed
--> You may NOT take home
--> Due by the end of Monday's class (you will leave essay here over the weekend if you do not finish today).
2. Tests, questions returned (updated marks).
English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Multiple Choice Test, hand in.
2. Create essay outline (theme + thesis statements, 8-12 quotations, body paragraph topics).
3. Monday: Last question booklet due. Begin In-Class essay (due at the end of Tuesday's class. You may NOT take home). Outlines + novels will be allowed during writing.
Socials 11
World War I
1. Continue notes - the End of World War I.
- 100 Days - Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations.
- Paris Peace Conference - League of Nations <-- brief documentaries
2. In-Class (INFORMAL): in pairs, read p. 55 and answer questions #1-3. Discuss as a class (MONDAY)
3. Assignment:
- Review all of chapter 2 + p. 58-59. Work on questions #1, 8, 10 (p. 58-59)
- Complete (FORMAL) questions #1, 2 (p. 56)
4. Monday/Tuesday: Review, essay outlines.
5. Wednesday: Formal Questions due + in-class Essay
1. Today: Practice with Mel 415-545ish.
2. Monday: Practice 430-6
3. Wednesday: We host Unity after school (our last game!)