Comm 12
1. Booklet due. Return novels.
2. Tomorrow: poem analysis ("Forgiving our Fathers" by Dick Lourie); free-write.
2b. Begin film Smoke Signals; questions distributed (due Monday). In-Class composition: Tuesday.
English 10
Fahrenheit 451
1. Review grammar assignment.
2. Finish Part II and finish questions.
3. Begin prepping your outline for Friday's in-class WAQ (Using textual evidence from parts I and II, explain how Fahrenheit 451 functions as a dystopian novel).
3b. Beatty's Dream (p. 106-108) - possible quiz question.
- identify the sources of the literature he quotes
- summarize, in your own words, the "debate"
4. Finish grammar exercises 4-6 quiz tomorrow.
English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Hobbes vs. Locke.
(Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow.)