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Friday, 12 May 2017

ALL CLASSES: Deadline to hand in late Apr 18-May 18 work is May 23.
5 more classes until midterm mark cut-off.

Comm 12
1. Finish Act I questions (due Monday).
2. Review & prep WAQ (in-class Act I WAQ and quiz on Monday):
How are gender roles portrayed in the first act of Macbeth? Are they traditional? Why or why not? Do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a traditional relationship? (Remember, this is the 1600s...)
A. Theme statement
Traditionally, men have had more power in a relationship than women.
B. Thesis statement
In the first act of Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth siwtch traditional gender roles, as a result, their relationship is atypical.
C. Transitions in and out of evidence
D. 5-8 Quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, and explained)
*Note: For this unit, your citation will include the act, scene, and page number (ex. I.ii. 34).
**Ensure you are still analyzing in present tense and writing objectively.**

English 10
Romeo and Juliet
1. Review and prep WAQ (Act I WAQ and quiz on Monday):
Citing 5-8 quotations, analyze theme(s) in the exchange between Capulet and Paris (I.ii. 7-34).
1b. Create theme and thesis statements, find quotations.
*Note: When citing Shakespeare, the citation MAY go after the quotation (rather than at the end as is standard MLA practice). As well, remember to cite the act, scene, and line(s). For example, (I.ii.34).
2. Act I questions due Monday.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 6-8 Tests returned; updated marks.
2. Chapter 9...
- read - analyze - important quotations
3. Grammar/Format feedback.