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Wednesday 3 May 2017

ALL CLASSES - Reminder: Late work from April 18th to May 18th WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER MAY 23RD AT 3PM.

Comm 12
1. Return OMAM and Diary novels ASAP - You will not be assigned the next text (which you need) until you hand in your overdue materials.
1b. Progress reports (class average = 40%!). Work handed back (see me for help or more feedback!).
2. Grammar review: correct for grammar and/or formatting errors (these are your own sentences, taken from your work.
3. Continued: Current events
- Choose TWO news articles (not entertainment or sports) and fill out the question sheets distributed yesterday.
- Choose ONE article to turn into a well-developed paragraph. When marking, I will be focusing on your GRAMMAR and SENTENCE STRUCTURE.
**Current Events work due TOMORROW**

English 10
Fahrenheit 451
1. Continue in-class essay; deadline to hand in this essay is TOMORROW.
2. Return novels.
3. Film adaptation tomorrow.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Grammar and format review (grammar quiz coming up!).
2. WAQs returned.
3. Homework: Read Chapter 6...
- read - analyze - important quotations