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Friday 10 May 2013

Comm 12
1. Hand in reviews and visual designs.
2. Notes on poetry terms (figurative language)
- Denotation
- Connotation
- Symbol
- Metaphor
- Simile
- Personification
3. Assignment: Find 10 Literary Devices in the following poems, found in the Inside Poetry anthology:
- "The Fisherman's Wife" p. 87
- "A Kite Is A Victim" p. 88
- "Death, be not proud" p. 90

Eng 11 Block 2
Lord of the Flies
1. Finish film adaptation
2. Stanford Prison Experiment documentary
3. Reading and Questions (due Tuesday)
*If you haven't already written an essay, you must do one Monday during class*
*Hand in your novels if you haven't already*

Eng 11 Block 3
1. Hand in Macbeth books.
2. Debate: Human nature.

Eng 11 Block 4
A Separate Peace
1. Hand in novels.
2. Finish A River Runs Through It.