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Monday 13 May 2013

Comm 12
1. Analysis of "Death, be not proud"
2. Read "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan (p.149-150)
--> Identify Theme(s)
--> Find 2 examples of internal rhyme
--> Find an example of metaphor
--> Find an example of alliteration
--> Summarize each stanza (what is the poet trying to say?)
--> Do questions #2 and 3 on p. 151

Eng 11 Block 2
1. Finish Stanford Prison Experiment questions (3 paragraphs): due tomorrow
2. Read two newspaper articles that cover the same assault. Answer the following questions for each article:
A. Summarize the article in 5 sentences (don't write "same as the first article" when analyzing the second article).
B. Identify the type of bias(es) present in each article.
C. How is the victim portrayed? D. How are those that committed the crime portrayed?
E. If you were reporting the incident, would you have written the article differently? Why or why not?

Eng 11 Block 3
Lord of the Flies
1. Novels.
2. Review Socratic Seminar guidelines.
3. Introduction on theme.
4. Chapter 1 and 2 SS on Tuesday.
- Have 4 questions per chapter prepared (one of each in terms of question types)
-- Things to keep in mind when creating your questions:
- Impact of external war on the boys
- Symbolism of the shell, fire, glasses, an island, snakes, pushing the rock, snakes, butterflies, hunting
- Utopia vs. Dystopia
- Characterization (so far) of Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon
- Examples of religious and political allegory
- Evidence of theme (civilization vs. savagery, loss of innocence/innocence vs. experience, man's inherent evil)
- Use of motif (ex. lightness vs. darkness)
- Any other literary devices or ideas that you think would be relevant to discussion.

Eng 11 Block 4
A Separate Peace
1. Read and Analyze the poem "And Thou Art Dead, As Young And Fair"
A. Identify theme(s)
B. Identify poem type
C. Find examples of assonance, apostrophe, alliteration, consonance, metaphor.
D. Write a paragraph on how the poem relates to A Separate Peace (ensure you use quotes in your argument)
*Tomorrow: Go over poem analysis, begin Macbeth*