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Friday 24 May 2013

Comm 12
1. Hand in Poetry Project (due today).
2. Watch Slam Poetry documentary (Slam Nation)

Eng 11 Block 2
1. Read 3 articles:
"Today's graduates: Too few jobs, not enough pay"
"Generation Z Teens Stereotyped As 'Lazy And Unaware'"
"The bystander effect: Why people in crowds may be less likely to help"
- For each article:
A. Identify the author's thesis (summarize in ONE sentence).
B. Identify any and all instances of bias (use quote and explain).
2. Choose from the following essay topics:
A. Humanity lacks empathy.
B. My generation is apathetic.
C. I will not be as successful as my parents.
Essay criteria:
- Take a position on ONE of the given topics: Prove the statement to be either true or false; this is your THESIS.
- Avoid "I" statements
- Structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling COUNT!
**You must submit your last essay when you hand this essay in**
***This essay is due MONDAY***
***Your research essay following Bowling for Columbine is due THURSDAY***

Eng 11 Block 3
Lord of the Flies
1. Read Chapter 9, discuss.
*Homework: Read Chapter 10, formulate questions - seminar Monday
**Angelique: Research the significance/symbolism of ISLANDS (not lion-infested islands either)

Eng 11 Block 4
1. Read Act III.
*Study for Act III Quiz MONDAY*