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Wednesday 26 November 2014

English 12
1. Finish film adaptation.
2. Review Act V, sc ii questions.
3. Final Assignment (handout):
- Choose FOUR of the SEVEN topics
- For EACH WAQ: 12-15 sentences, theme & thesis statements, min. 5 quotations (I,I,C,E)
- Due: Monday, December 1st.
*You will have Thursday and Friday in-class to work on assignment.
**DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! If you find a great quotation, CITE IT.

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Review questions #7-13 of Act IV:
2. Discuss Act II, sc ii.
3. Final The Crucible Assignment --> Due Monday, December 1st.
*You will have Thursday and Friday in-class to work on assignment.
**DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! If you find a great quotation, CITE IT.

English 11 (4)
1. Final Macbeth assignment (4 WAQ) due Monday, December 1st.
- Tonight: develop theme and thesis statements for each WAQ topic.
**DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! If you find a great quotation, CITE IT.
2. Gladiator assignment:
- 1 page, double-spaced
- Compare and contrast the themes, characters, and plots of Macbeth and Gladiator (due Monday).