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Thursday 6 November 2014

Reminders: Shortened classes tomorrow (get to class on-time, prepared) and dress formally for the Remembrance Day assembly.
Term 1 Mark Cut-Off: Monday, November 17th, 2014.
**You have a long weekend, so if you are missing assignments from the previous unit, get them in for credit.**

English 12
1. Review Act I questions.
2. Film adaptation (finish Act I).
3. Jaques' monologue from As You Like It.
4. Find evidence of deception in the first act of Hamlet (make note of page and line numbers).
What theme is evident in both Jaques' monologue and Polonius' advice to Laertes in Act I, sc iii?
Tomorrow: In-Class WAQ paragraph quiz.

English 11(2)
The Crucible
1. Review Overture questions.
2. Read Act I, p. 8-14
3. Homework: Questions #1-5.

English 11(4)
1. Read Act I, sc v-vii.
2. Questions for Act I, sc v-vii (complete for tomorrow).
3. Film adaptation of Act I.