English 12
1. Complete reading Act I.
2. Homework: Complete questions, making note of line numbers in your answers, as well as theme.
3. Review scenes you didn't understand on No Fear Shakespeare.
4. Tuesday: Through analysis of Act I (including feminist and psychoanalytic perspectives). Prep Hamlet WAQ #1 (you will be choosing a theme to find evidence for and analyze Act I). Rough draft/in-class on Wednesday.
Socials 10
Colonial Government & Reform
1. Homework check/review: questions #1-8 (p. 57-64).
2. Notes: Government, need for reform.
2b. Homework: read p. 65-80, answer questions 1.6 and 1.9 "Rebellions of 1837" in booklet.
*Why did people want reform?*
- British land owners controlled the economy - The un-elected councils held all of the power in government - Decisions were not in the best interests of the people - Discrimination (French) and lack of religious freedom
3. Watch Rebellion and Reform documentary to 34:03.
*Page number differences in booklet (my apologies, your next booklet will have the correct page numbers*:
-"Colonial Government" (65-70) - "Stirrings in Lower Canada" (70) - "A List of Grievances" (66-70)
- "Nationalism" (71) - "Punishing the Rebels" (77) - "Lord Durham..." (78) - "Union..." (79-80)
**Also, ignore duplicate questions in the booklet (photo-copy mishap); only answer questions once.**
*Before Thursday, February 25th, ensure you've labeled and memorized the Map of Canada, see p. 45, 49 in your textbook.*
4. Tuesday: Review today's homework, discuss First Nations' relations and perspectives, Mackenzie and Papineau.
English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Theme and thesis statement practice.
2. Read chapter 5, answer questions (finish for homework, review on Tuesday).
3. New theme: The dangers of codependency on identity.
--> When an individual lacks his own identity he may adopt the identity of someone else.
-->In Knowles' A Separate Peace, both Gene's and Phineas' insecurity result in a codependent relationship.
Have a fabulous long weekend!