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Friday, 5 February 2016

English 12
Short Stories
1. "Disillusionment" WAQ due.
2. Read and discuss "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" by J.D. Salinger.
3. Future WAQ topic:
How does symbolism and characterization emphasize theme in "A Perfect Day for Bananafish"?
*WAQ in-class on Tuesday.*

Socials 10
1. Watch documentary (to 31:36; if you think you would benefit from more review, watch the rest over the weekend).
2. Final review notes.
3. Study for quiz (Tuesday). Be prepared to write a short (5-7 sentences) paragraph on Tuesday about any of the following:
A. Which events and/or tensions in Europe were brought to/effected North America/the formation of Canada?
- Catholics/Protestants - French/English - Europeans/Native Peoples - Americans/British
- Immigration (see p. 57-64 in textbook)
B. What are/were the purposes of colonialism? How are we still feeling its effects?
C. Be able to describe the significance of:
- Seven Years' War
- Quebec Act
- Constitutional Act

English 11
Short Stories
1. "Harrison Bergeron" WAQ due.
2. Read Sinclair Ross' "The Lamp at Noon."
- complete (in point form) questions #5 and 6 in text.
*In-Class WAQ on "The Lamp at Noon" on Tuesday (due at the beginning of Wednesday's class).*
Topic: Citing examples of characterization, setting, and atmosphere, identify theme in "The Lamp at Noon"
- theme statement, thesis statement - 4-6 quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, explained)
- transitional sentences/phrases - conclusion - double-space - analyze in present-tense - grammar/spelling - 7-12 complete sentences
3. Review Lit Devices

Have a fabulous long weekend!