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Friday, 12 February 2016

English 12
Short Stories
1. Homework check: WAQ#2 outline.
*WAQ#2 IN-CLASS MONDAY (due at the end of class).*
**You should know the definition and be able to provide examples for the following literary devices:
- metaphor - allegory - irony (situational, dramatic, verbal) - allusion - hyperbole - understatement
- symbolism - motif -juxtaposition**
2. Finish film adaptation.

Socials 10
1. Outline/rough draft of Pocahontas essay (good copy due at the beginning of Monday's class).
2. Remember to bring your completed essay AND your textbook on MONDAY.
*Format, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.* *double-space* *follow the criteria on your handout*
**Ensure each point (including your thesis) is fully explained. Specific details will result in a stronger paper.**
Thesis examples:

Despite historical inaccuracies in Pocahontas, Disney's film illustrates the brutality of colonialism, and the stereotypes we have today that were initiated hundreds of years ago still cause conflict.

By comparing Disney's version of Pocahontas with historical fact, it is clear that stereotypes present in the seventeenth century are still apparent today.

Example comparison + citing primary source + significance:

In Disney’s version, Powhatan is portrayed for most of the film as wise and gentle. John Smith’s recording of Powhatan’s speech shows that he and his people were “willing to give” the colonists what they wanted if they asked in a friendly manner (Powhatan, 1609). On the other hand, in this same speech, Powhatan threatens the Europeans with violence, promising that if they didn’t “take away [their] guns and swords” they would “die in the same manner” (Powhatan, 1609). In the film, Powhatan calls on surrounding tribes to wage war with the colonists. Therefore, both the historical and Disney versions of the story portray greed and violence, teaching audiences the consequences of colonialism and prejudice.

**You may receive notification that your textbook is lost. Don't worry about this. It is not actually due back until June. There's a mix-up of dates in the system.**

English 11
Short Stories
1. Feedback/updated marks ("The Lamp at Noon").
2. Introduction to A Separate Peace.
3. Sign-out novels.
4. Read chapter 1, complete questions for homework (homework check & discussion Monday).
**You should know the definition and be able to provide examples for the following literary devices:
- metaphor - allegory - irony (situational, dramatic, verbal) - allusion - hyperbole - understatement
- symbolism - motif - juxtaposition**

Have a nice weekend!