Welcome to our online classroom! Stay up to date with homework, marks, and announcements as well as find useful links and resources.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 20
1. Debate (20-6, 20-7).
2. Reminders: Module 20 booklet due tomorrow, Module 20 quiz tomorrow.

Counselling 11
1. Meaning/Values group share.
2. Strategies/missed opporunities.

Comm 12
1. Finish reading novel. Finish booklet.
*Booklet due tomorrow at the end of class!*
*You may NOT take novels home over the break.*

*Today is the last day to hand in late work.*

*Updated marks tomorrow!*

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 20
1. Review homework readings.
2. Watch Sleep Walking Documentary.
3. Homework: Read 20-6 in preparation for debate (tomorrow).
4. Sleep/Forget jouranls due.
*Module 20 booklet due Friday. *Module 20 quiz Friday*
*Make up missed quizzes.*

Counselling 11
1. Anxiety/Strategies/Plans discussion.
2. Word for 2016...
3. Tomorrow: Logotherapy intro...

Comm 12
1. Read p. 179-213
2. Questions #69-79
3. Tomorrow: Finishing novel, time to work on booklet in-class tomorrow and Friday. Booklet due at the end of Friday's class.

*Reminder: Last day to hand in LATE work is TOMORROW.*

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 20
1. Finish Sleep and Dream documentary (elements from this will be on your quiz on Friday).
2. Finish reading Module 20 (p. 384-391), complete exercises 20-8 to 20-11.
3. Debate Thursday, Quiz Friday.
4. Module 20 booklets due Friday.
*Make up missed quizzes tomorrow.*

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Complete SLP responses (due at the end of class).
2. Tomorrow: Logotherapy introduction.

Comm 12
1. Read p. 150-178
2. Complete questions #60-68.
3. Time to work on incomplete questions.
*Reminder: Booklet due Friday!*

Reminder: Last day to hand in late work is this Thursday.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 20
1. Preview/discuss your reading (tonight's homework): p. 377-383, 20-2.
2. Discuss 20-5.
3. Reminder: Sleep (20-4, 5 entries) journal and forget journal (added marks for module 19 quiz) are due Wednesday, Dec. 16th.
4. Begin Dream & Sleep documentary (to 12:00), finish tomorrow.
*This week: Module 20 quiz, 20-6,7 debate**

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Work on SLP paragraph responses (due at the end of tomorrow's class).

Comm 12
1. Read p. 130-149
2. Questions #51- 59
*New Essay due date: January 8th, 2016.*
**Booklet due: Friday December 18th, 2016.*

*Last day to hand in LATE work (including making up missed quizzes) is THIS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16TH.**

Friday, 11 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 20
1. Module 19 quiz.
2. Begin Module 20; complete 20-1 (review and discuss).
3. Homework: 20-4 (Sleep Journal - 5 entries due Wednesday, Dec. 16th).
*Forget Journal entries due Wednesday, Dec. 16th ~ today's quiz "addendum"*
**Next week: Finish Module 20 - sleep patterns, dream analysis, Dream Documentary.**

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Finish Silver Linings Playbook.
2. 5 Paragraph responses due at the end of Tuesday's class (you will have Monday and Tuesday's classes to work on them... if you need more time than this, work on it this weekend, as I will not be accepting them after Tuesday).

Comm 12
1. Grammar/Lit Device Quiz.
2. Read p. 114-130
3. Questions #45-50

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Psych 11
Module 19
1. Discuss 19-1 to 19-4, review readings.
2. Homework: Finish reading module, review for quiz (tomorrow).
--> Ensure you know how to answer #9 on p. 375.
*Forget Journal due Wednesday.*

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psych
1. Handout: Discussion questions (choose FIVE of the 22 options; each response should be a complete, thoughtful, and cohesive paragraph of 6-10 complete sentences; grammar, punctuation, spelling, and neatness count). Due Tuesday, December 15th.
2. Begin Silver Linings Playbook (continue tomorrow).

Comm 12
1. Read p. 99-114.
2. Answer questions #39-44.
3. Grammar and lit device review (quiz tomorrow).

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 19
1. Module 19 quiz.
2. Clive Wearing Documentary.
3. Homework: - Read p. 359-364, exercises 19-1 and 19-2.
*Module 19 quiz Friday, December 11th.*
**"Forget" Journal due Wednesday, December 16th.**

Abnormal Psyche
1. Justina's and Anna's presentations.
2. Marks updated, research papers returned, feedback.
3. Begin Silver Linings Playbook tomorrow - assignment attached (handout).
*Choose 5 questions to respond to off of discussion sheet. Respond in 6-10 complete sentences per response. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and neatness count.*
**Due Tuesday, December 15th.**

Comm 12
1. Read p. 74-100
2. Complete questions #30-37
**Booklet is due December 15th.**

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 18
A. Review p. 343-352.
B. Complete 18-6ab, 18-7.
C. Tomorrow: Module 18 quiz + name recall:
1. Eisenhower
2. Kennedy
3. Johnson
4. Nixon
5. Ford
6. Carter
7. Reagan
8. G. Bush
9. Clinton
10. G.W. Bush
11. Obama

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psychology
1. Complete research topic presentations.
2. Papers LATE now.

Comm 12
1. Read p. 67-74
2. Complete questions #28-29

Monday, 7 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 18
1. Review 18-1 to 18-2abc.
2. Homework: Finish reading and taking notes (p. 342-352).
2b. www.exploratorium.edu/memory/index --> Memory tasks.

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Research presentations (continue tomorrow).
2. Last day to hand in research papers (if you're not here today your paper is to be emailed to me no later than 8pm, and you will be presenting tomorrow).

Comm 12
1. Read p. 43-67
2. Complete questions #18-27

Friday, 4 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 18
1. Read p. 334-342.
2. Exercises 18-1 to 18-2ABC

Abnormal Psyche
1. Research Papers due.
2. Presentations (next week).

Comm 12
1. Read p. 25-43
2. Questions #12-17

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 14
1. Module 14 quiz.
2. Begin "Jonestown" documentary.
3. Read p. 334-338 (Module 18).

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psychology
1. Finish research papers (remember to include a Works Cited list).
*Be prepared to present tomorrow/Monday. *Papers due tomorrow*

Comm 12
1. Paragraphs returned, updated marks.
2. Read p. 7-27.
3. Complete questions # 4-11
Psyche 11
Module 14
1. Discuss exercises, chapter.
2. Homework: Complete booklet, review for quiz (tomorrow).

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Continue research (ensure you have 6-10 quotations for your paper as well as 3-5 sources that you will reference in your Works Cited page - see handout for Owl Purdue citation website).
2. Paper due Friday, presentations Friday and Monday.

Comm 12
1. Stereotypes paragraph due.
2. Pre-novel write (booklets distributed).
3. Read p.1-7
4. Complete questions #1-3

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Psyche 11
Module 14
1. Review readings, 14-4.
2. Discussion: Exercise, Faith (health benefits of).
3. Optimism exercise (3 negatives --> 3 positives).
4. Homework: Finish reading module (p. 265-273), exercises 14-5 to 14-7.
*Module 14 Quiz: Thursday, December 3rd.*

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psychology
1. Quotation integration example:
According to the Science Journal, individuals with OCD often exhibit "repetitive routines" that can sometimes be harmful (sciencejournal.org). These routines may include excessive hand-washing, neurotic impulse to turn lights on and off, and to check that doors are locked and appliances are turned off before leaving the home.
*Remember you need 6-10 quotations in your research paper, introduced, integrated, cited, and explained.*
*More on Works Cited list tomorrow.*
2. Continue researching Topic.
**Essay due Friday, December 4th, Presenting Friday, Dec. 4th-Monday Dec. 7th.

Comm 12
1. Brainstorming - Stereotyping - paragraph response:
- What are the negative effects of stereotyping? Are there any positive stereotypes? Describe a stereotype that people have attributed to you. Describe a time when you stereotyped others.
2. Paragraph criteria:
- 8-12 complete sentences - theme statement - grammar/punctuation/spelling - DOUBLE-SPACE please - theme statement (first sentence, for example: Stereotypes are generalizations, usually negative, that exist because humans judge other humans based on fear, ignorance, and insecurity.)
3. Tomorrow: Begin novel, booklets distributed. *Booklet due Dec. 15th. *Essay due Dec. 17th*

Monday, 30 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 14
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Introduction: 14.1, 14-3
3. Homework: Read p. 258-265, 14-2 and 14-4.
*Optional Survey (must be completed by December 2nd).*

I am carrying out a survey for my university research paper examining smartphone use damaging the brain and its contribution to mental disorders in youth and young adults.
The information will be kept entirely confidential and I would appreciate if you could share this with students you believe might be interested in taking this brief 10 question survey.

As there is limited information on the subject, having your students participate in this survey will be greatly appreciated. 

To access the survey, they can visit:

Counselling 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Research your topic (paper due Thursday, presentations Thursday and Friday).
*Optional Survey (must be completed by December 2nd).*

I am carrying out a survey for my university research paper examining smartphone use damaging the brain and its contribution to mental disorders in youth and young adults.
The information will be kept entirely confidential and I would appreciate if you could share this with students you believe might be interested in taking this brief 10 question survey.

As there is limited information on the subject, having your students participate in this survey will be greatly appreciated.

To access the survey, they can visit:

Comm 12
1. Transcript Verification in Library.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Psyche 11
Abnormal Psychology
1. Silver Linings Playbook assignments due at the end of class.

Counselling 11
Groups 2
1. Justina, Meghan, Cindy
2. Shawn, Matt.
*Next week: Abnormal Psyche topic research and presentations.*

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Complete compare/contrast paragraph, hand in (due at the end of class).
2. Hand in late/missing work.

Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Psyche 11
Abnormal Psychology
1. Silver Linings Playbook assignments (due tomorrow):
- Character sketch (12-15 sentences)
- 3 Discussion questions answered (6-10 sentences)
- Grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, neatness COUNT.

1. Kirsten, Carly, Candace, Ashley
2. Tia, Danika, Allie, Dawn
1. Justina, Meghan, Cindy
2. Shawn, Matt
*Ensure you have your research topic chosen by the end of tomorrow's class (most of the class has already signed up).*

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Compare and Contrast Paragraph (due at the end of tomorrow's class):
- Extended (10-12 complete sentences) paragraph comparing Sinclair Ross's stories "The Lamp at Noon" and "The Painted Door".
- theme and thesis statements
- 5-7 quotations (I, I, C, E)
- transitions
- grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, neatness COUNT
2. Late Bowling for Columbine/Media work will not be accepted after tomorrow.

--> Report Cards went home yesterday.
--> Friday is a Pro-D day

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Psyche 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Finish Silver Linings Playbook.
2. Reminder: Assignments due at the end of Thursday's class (you will have tomorrow's class to work on it). See yesterday's blog post for details.

Counselling 11
Groups 2
1. Example sessions (30 minutes).
A. Jena, Sarah, and Payne.
B. Julia, Katherine, Anna, Telicia
A. Kirsten, Candace, Carly, Ashley
B. Tia, Danika, Allie, Dawn
A. Justina, Meghan, Cindy
B. Shawn and Matt

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Finish "The Lamp at Noon" questions, hand in (due at 2pm).
2. Compare and Contrast paragraph (due Thursday), see handout.
- 10 to 12 complete sentences
- theme and thesis statements
- 5 to 7 quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, and explained)
- spelling, grammar, double-space, punctuation counts!
(Comparing Sinclair Ross's "The Lamp at Noon" with "The Painted Door")

Monday, 23 November 2015

Psyche 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Finish presentations, research papers returned, updated marks.
2. Begin Silver Linings Playbook.
3. Assignment (handout) due Thursday, at the end of class (Friday is Pro-D).
- Discussion Questions - Choose THREE of the 22 questions to respond to. Answers should be thorough but concise (approx. 6-10 sentences per response).
Discussion Question Handout
-Character Sketch: An extended paragraph focussing on one character (their history/background, the nature of and identification of their mental illness (mental, verbal, physical symptoms), conflicts (current and past), and whether or not this was a realistic portrayal of the illness (approx. 12-15 sentences).

Counselling 11
Groups "Holidaze"
1. Example 30 minute sessions (continued all week).
- Be prepared with any necessary handouts/materials for the entire class (so, 22 students, minus your group members).
2. Brochures, unit plans returned, updated marks.
3. Ensure you have a topic for your research paper, sign up today (next week).

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. Columbine work, "The Painted Door" questions returned, updated marks.
2. "The Lamp at Noon" questions (due tomorrow at 2pm):
A. How does Ross establish mood in the story? How does the description of the setting reflect/relate to the characters (think: isolation, storm, darkness, etc.)?
*Answer for "A" must include two quotations.*
Example for "A" (you may use this as your first sentence):
      Set in the 1930s, Ross's description of the "impenetrable fog" of dust that plagues the prairies reflects the darkness of the characters' moods and relationship (140).
B. Which character do you feel more sympathy for, Ellen or Paul? Give three reasons from the text (provide integrated quotations). You may argue equal sympathy if you can provide the evidence.
*Answer for "B" must include two quotations*
3. Find quotations from both stories for comparison paragraph (Wednesday and Thursday, due Thursday @ 245pm).

Friday, 20 November 2015

Psyche 11
Abnormal Psyche
1. Continue presentations, hand in research papers.

Counselling 11
1. Finish group pitches.
2. Discussion: Suicide awareness, disorders for research, drug use.
3. Next week: Example sessions (come prepared!).

Comm 12
Short Stories
1. "The Painted Door" questions due @ 125pm.
2. Read: "The Lamp at Noon" by Sinclair Ross.
3. Discuss character traits of Paul and Ellen. tragedy.
4. Next week: Compare & Contrast paragraph.

Have a nice weekend. :)

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Psyche 11
1. Mark, record Module 13 quiz.
2. Abnormal Psyche presentations, hand in research papers (finish tomorrow).

Counselling 11
1. Temperature check.
2. Group Pitch (continued tomorrow). Due tomorrow: Completed lesson plans and all materials --> example sessions next week.

Comm 12
1. Film adaptation of "The Painted Door".
2. Complete questions (#1-4, 6c); 3-4 complete sentences each answer (due at the BEGINNING of tomorrow's class).
3. Find quotations from the story to support the following theme and thesis statements:
Individuals may feel isolated within relationships. In Sinclair Ross' "The Painted Door", Ann's loneliness ultimately results in tragedy.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Monday, November 16 to Wednesday, November 18

Psychology 11
1. Students have chosen a behaviour or personality disorder/mental illness to research. The library has been booked for all three days (Monday to Wednesday) so that the students may research.
Criteria: research paper:
-         A.  Introduction (identify topic of research, summarize main points (focus of their research), why you chose this topic). Using “I”/first person is OK.
-         B.  Body of research paper: should include things like physical/mental symptoms, who is most susceptible/diagnosed (age, gender, culture, socioeconomic status are just a few examples), known treatments/cures/success rates. How illness/disorder is approached by/accepted in society, how it is portrayed in media.
o   Paper should contain 6-10 quotations (introduced, integrated, cited, and explained). –Length of paper will probably be 3-4 pages typed double-spaced. Hand-written is okay as long as double-spaced, neat, blue or black ink.
-         C.  Conclusion: After researching, what new things did you learn, did it change your bias/knowledge/understanding. If you know someone with the disorder. If you are interested in doing further research about topic or if your research has garnered interest in a similar or different field of research.
o   Include a Works Cited list (in proper format; if you forget formatting rules check https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/ ).
-          D. YOU will also provide a 3-5 minute presentation to the class about their research topic Thursday and Friday this week, format up to you (as long as not strictly relying on/reading notes).

Counselling 11
This group is working on a “Holiday Issues” helping group. The assignment is to plan 6-8 sessions.  We have discussed the project at length last week and you have preliminary work done already. You are in groups of 4 or 5. In class for the next three days you should be finishing up a FULL, DETAILED unit plan of all your sessions. You should have a GOOD copy of this as well as a good copy of a brochure of the group. You were supposed to pitch Monday but as I’m not there it will be Thursday/Friday this week. Your example sessions in-class of 45 minutes will be next week as previously planned. You should ensure you have any resources/handouts for my return Thursday.

Communications 12 

1. You will be looking at short stories this week. Your TOC will choose either “The Lamp at Noon” or “The Painted Door” from Inside Stories II or III (behind whiteboard closest to door). Both stories are by Sinclair Ross. You need not take these home as you will have three days to work on ONE story of TOC's choosing (we will look at the other story on Thursday). 
2. After reading, complete, in full sentences, whatever questions TOC assigns. Discuss as needed, brainstorm with TOC if you need help. You have time to work on questions in class. 
3. If you finish questions early,  prep your in-class compare and contrast paragraph (next week, written in-class Monday) by finding quotations from the story you would use to support the following theme and thesis statements:

Theme statement: Individuals may feel isolated within relationships.

Thesis: In Sinclair Ross’s “ ________(whatever story you choose)_____”, (___character names) experience loneliness, ultimately leading to conflict and tragedy.

4. Questions for Story #1 due at the beginning of Thursday's class.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 13
1. Review 13-1 to 13-8.
2. Thursday: Finish reading module 13 and taking notes. Finish 13-9 and 13-10 (homework check Friday/Monday).
3. Friday: Module 13 quiz - paragraph question: What are our emotional and physiological responses to stress (see p. 254). /10
*Next week: Abnormal Psychology research paper - time in library Monday to Wednesday.*

Counselling 11
1. Groups #2 "Holidaze"
- Pitch and draft brochure due Monday, November 16th.
- Full, detailed unit plan (good copy, including any handouts/resources due Friday, November 20th.
- Example sessions (45 mins) - November 23rd to November 26th.
*Thursday: Library Research after attendance in B113*

Comm 12
1. Paragraph #1 ("What influence does media have on you/people/society?") and Paragraph #2 ("Following watching Bowling for Columbine, has your opinion changed regarding the cause(s) of violence in society, specifically, youth violence? Do you agree with Moore's statements/approach? Why or Why not?" See yesterday's blog post for more ideas) due Friday, November 13th.
*Each paragraph should be 6-10 complete sentences *Double-Spaced, indented *Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count*
2. 5 Questions answered (min. 4 complete sentences per answer) from hand out due Friday, November 13th.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 13
1. Review/discuss 12-12 to 12-14.
2. Discuss: Seasonal Issues.
3. Homework: Read p. 244-249 (take notes), complete exercises 13-1 and 13-2 (discuss tomorrow).

Counselling 11
1. Seasonal Issues (identification, goal formation, strategies).
2. Groups Round 2 -- "Holidaze" - Plan a group of 6-8 sessions focussed on Seasonal Issues.
- Group Pitch: Friday 13th/Monday 16th
- Detailed Session Plan & Brochure - Friday, November 20th.
- Practice Sessions: November 23rd-26th.
**Tomorrow go DIRECTLY to the library to research for your Groups**

Comm 12
1. Continue Bowling for Columbine.
*Reminder: two paragraphs and 5 short answer questions (from handout) (min. 4 complete sentences each) due Friday, 13th.
**Paragraph 2 topic:
Following watching Bowling for Columbine, has your opinion changed regarding the cause of violence in society, specifically, youth violence? Do you agree with Moore's approach/statements? Why or why not? You may choose to discuss some/any of the following in your answer:
- Violent music's influence on youth
- Violent video game's influence on youth
- The violent history of a nation (for example, slavery of blacks, massacre of Native Americans, wars, racism)
- Ethnic diversity
- Lack of gun control
*As with paragraph one, this paragraph should be 6-10 complete sentences - double-spaced - grammar, punctuation, spelling count*
*Due Friday, 13th.*
2. Updated marks/essays returned/feedback.

Reminder: Tomorrow blocks change for Remembrance Day Assembly - please dress formally.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 12
1. Module 12 Quiz.
2. Updated marks.
3. Monday: Discuss 12-12 to 12-14, begin Module 13.

Counselling 11
1. Finish Session Observations.
2. Pair reflections due. Interview Skills Sentence completion overdue. 4-1 should be completed (for discussion Monday). Scenarios (charades) should be handed in.
3. Group #2 - "Holidaze" (discuss further next week):
- Pitch: Friday, 13th
- Complete Plan: Friday, 20th
- Example Session: Monday, November 23rd - Thursday, November 26th 

Comm 12
Media & Communication
1. All late work due. Return novels.
2. Warm-Up activity: Write a paragraph (of 6-10 complete sentences, double-spaced) addressing the following question: How does media influence people?
- Media can include: Magazines, books, news (TV, Internet, paper), games, social media, music, radio, movies, TV shows
- Influencing: violence/politics/religion/society/morals/family dynamics/sex
*grammar, punctuation, and spelling count, indent first sentence
- due Friday, 13th
3. Documentary: Bowling for Columbine 
3b. Handout: Questions - Choose 5 of the 17 questions, answer in four complete sentences each (also due Friday, 13th).

Today is the end of Term 1. 

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 12
1. Complete journal responses (due at the end of class).
2. Tomorrow: 12-12 to 12-14 (do for homework, be prepared to discuss), Module 12 quiz (tentatively, ensure you study tonight).

Counselling 11
1. Session observations.
2. Pair reflections due (extension to tomorrow).
3. Complete 4-1 (strengths & weaknesses), be prepared to discuss tomorrow.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Complete essay, hand in with outline (due today).
2. Return novels.

**Today is the last day to turn in Term 1 assignments**

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 12
1. Review 12-7 to 12-11.
2. Reminder: Journal Response (5 paragraphs) due at the end of tomorrow's class.
*Friday: 12-12 to 12-14, Module 12 Quiz.*

Counselling 11
1. Session observations.
2. Strengths & Weaknesses (4-1).
3. Pair Reflections due tomorrow.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Essay due at the end of tomorrow's class (including outline).
2. Friday: Grammar review.

Reminder: Tomorrow is the last day to turn in Term 1 work.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 12
1. Review 12-1 to 12-3, p 226-232.
2. Final Term 1 Assignment - Journal Responses (due Thursday, November 5th):
A. What do you fear the most? How did this fear develop? Have you tried anything to overcome this fear? Describe your experience.
B. How do you act when you lie? Can others tell when you are lying? How does lying make you feel? Describe the last (non-white) lie that you told. What were the repercussions?
C. Has your non-verbal communication ever been misinterpreted? How and why? Did you change your future behaviour in light of this misinterpretation? If so, how?
D. Why is it important to study how and why emotions are expressed?
E. Does each gender seem to have "rules" for expressing emotion? How does this vary by culture? Explain using 3-5 examples.
*Each answer should be a fully developed, articulate paragraph of 6-10 sentences (grammar, spelling, and punctuation count!)*
3. Homework: Finish reading module 12 (p. 232-238). Exercise 12-4.

Counselling 11
1. Session observations (focus on #12-15).
1b. Interview Skills Exercise (5 statements); fill in/respond (due tomorrow).
1c. Homework: Dialogue booklet (discuss/review Friday).
2. Pair Reflections (due Thursday).
3. Groups check-in.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Continue in-class essay (due Thursday).
- Edit introduction for spelling, capitalization, grammar, title underlined.
- You should have your introduction and first body paragraph finished by the end of today.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Psyche 11
Module 11
1. Module 11 quiz.
2. Homework: Read p. 226-232 (Module 12: Emotion), take notes, exercises 12-1 to 12-3.

Counselling 11
1. Reminder: Human Services WEX meeting today at lunch in E107.
2. Your session observations begin today (until Thursday).
3. Pair Reflections due Thursday.
*Up next: Groups (revisit? reboot? change? Planning 2.0?)*

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Homework check: Essay outline.
2. Begin in-class essay (you may NOT take your essay home. You have until Thursday to complete).

Reminder: Term 1 Mark Cut-off: Thursday, November 5th.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 11
1. Discuss 11-10 to 11-15, review p. 214-221.
2. Hand in Module 11 booklet.
3. Study for quiz (Monday):
- difference between drive-reduction theory and instinct theory
- difference between intrinsic, extrinsic, achievement motivation
- set point, eating disorders
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Counselling 11
1. Group Share.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Hand in late work.
2. Work on outline (due Monday).

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Parent-teacher interviews TONIGHT, 6-8pm.
Term 1 Mark-Cut off Thursday, November 5th.

Psyche 11
Module 11
1. Review/discuss 11-5 to 11-9.
2. Homework: Finish reading chapter and taking notes (p. 214-221), 11-10 to 11-15 (complete booklet handed in tomorrow).
*Module 11 quiz Monday.*

Counselling 11
1. Session 4. Focus on #12-15 Interview Skills.
2. Pair Reflections due Thursday, November 5th. Observation for marks: Monday, November 2nd-Thursday, November 5th.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Updated marks.
2. Theme Paragraph #3 and Chapter 6 questions due.
3. OMAM Multiple Choice Test (if finished early, begin essay outline).
4. Essay Outline due Monday, November 2nd.
*In-Class essay due Thursday, November 5th.*

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Psyche 11
Module 11
1. Discuss/review 11-1 to 11-4, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
2. Assignment: 11-5, 11-9 (homework check & review tomorrow), finish reading chapter (p.214-221) and take notes (discuss tomorrow).
3. Module 11 quiz Friday/Monday (time-depending).

Counselling 11
1. Session 3 (focus on points #11-14 on Interview Skills checklist).
*Pair Reflections due: Thursday, Nov. 5th (no extensions).
*Observation for marks Monday - Thursday

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Theme paragraph 3 due at the end of class.
2. Tomorrow (and Friday if necessary): OMAM Multiple Choice Test.
*In-Class Essay due Thursday, November 5th.*

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 11
1. Review quiz (readings - fake).
2. Discuss drive theories, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, instinct
3. Homework: 11-1 to 11-4 (discuss tomorrow).
*Work handed back, updated marks.*
*Tomorrow: Review Drive theories, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.*

Counselling 11
1. Pairs Practice (focus on #11-14 on Interview Skills checklist).
2. New due dates: Pairs Reflections due (Thursday, November 5th - NO EXTENSIONS), Obso for marks (Monday- Wednesday next week; 3 pairs/day).

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Chapter 6 questions due.
2. Updated marks.
3. Work on Theme Paragraph #3 (due at the end of tomorrow's class).
*Thursday: Multiple choice test
*Next Thursday OMAM in-class essay due.

**Term 1 mark cut off is next Thursday!**

Monday, 26 October 2015

LAST DAY TO HAND IN LATE WORK (unless you have talked to me about extensions)!

Psyche 11
Module 6
1. Complete "Still Alice".
2. Module 6 Quiz.
Paragraph questions (choose TWO; 5-10 sentences each)
A. Do teenage relationships possess the same qualities of a love relationship as mentioned in the text (identify these qualities)?
B. What are the causes, symptoms, and treatment (if any) of Alzheimer's disease? You mya refer to and reflect on "Still Alice" in your answer.
C. Discuss the characteristics of love and work as significant events that affect our social well-being during adulthood.
D. What are some different ways people cope with dying and death? Do these vary by culture? Do you think accepting the inevitability of death gives meaning to life?
3. Homework: 207-213 (read and take notes, quizzable).

Counselling 11
1. Pairs Reflection due Friday, October 30th (1-2 pages).
A. Skills you have improved/are efficient in.
B. Skills/attributes you need to/would like to improve.
C. The effect Pairs Practice has had on your empathy (if any).
D. The effect Pairs Practice has had on your desire to be a counsellor (if any).
E. The effect Pairs Practice has had on your relationships/daily life (if any).
*Formally written/no mechanical errors/full sentences/neat/thorough/thoughtful*
- Today/Tomorrow: Session 2
- Tues/Wed: Session 3
- Wed/Thurs: Session 4
- Obso for marks Thurs/Friday

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Chapter 5 questions due.
2. Read Chapter 6, complete Chapter 6 questions (due tomorrow).
3. Tomorrow: Chapter 6 quiz, continue theme paragraph #3 (due Wednesday).
**Next week: Test, Essay (last marks of Term 1)**

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 6
1. 6-5 (one letter, 1-2 pages), 6-7, and 6-8 due.
2. Watch: Still Alice (to 1:13; finish Monday) (if you aren't here today, watch it on Netflix this weekend).
3. Module 6 quiz Monday.

Counselling 11
1. Homework check/discuss 3-4 and 3-5.
2. Pair Practice (Session #2).
- Giving clients "work" (examples). - Action Plans/goals - Positive Affirmation (closing a session).

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Film adaptation of chapter 5.
2. Chapter 5 quiz.
3. Catch up on missing work. If caught up, prep Theme Paragraph #3 (find quotations for chapter 5, practice integrating.
*Updated Progress reports distributed*

*Tomorrow is a Pro-D day*
*11 days until Term 1 End*
*Term 1 Missing Work for partial credit due Monday - last day to hand in missing work.*

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 6
1. Review 6-1 to 6-4.
2. Complete 6-5 (choose ONE letter to write, 1-2 pages), 6-7, and 6-8.
3. Finish reading chapter (Module 6 quiz on Monday).
*Tomorrow: Still Alice - film about Alzheimer's.
*Monday: Module 6 quiz (including written response about Alzheimer's).

Counselling 11
1. Discuss 3-1 to 3-5 (continue tomorrow).
2. Pairs - Session 2
*Due date for Pair Reflections and Session Observation: Wed. Oct 28th-Fri. Oct. 30th*

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Hand in Theme Paragraph #2 (chapters 3 and 4).
2. Read chapter 5, complete chapter 5 questions.
*Tomorrow; film and chapter 5 quiz.*

**12 days until end of Term 1**

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 6
1. Hand in Thirteen essays (tomorrow is last day to hand in essay LATE).
2. Read page 98-106, complete exercises 6-1 to 6-3 (NM and KW complete to 6-5).
*Prepare to discuss tomorrow/quiz*
*Updated marks.*

Counselling 11
1. Session 1 - Interview Skills Practice (review checklist; Parts I-III should be fairly easy to incorporate and 'second-nature' by now).
2. Homework: Exercises 3-1 to 3-5 (discuss tomorrow).
*Note: New due date for Pair Reflections and Session Observation: Wed. Oct 29-Fri Oct 30*

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Worked handed back, updated marks.
2. Continue/finish Theme Paragraph #2 (chapters 3 and 4). Due tomorrow at 125pm.

- 13 classes until end of Term 1 - 
- This Friday is a Pro-D day - 
- Parent-Teacher Interviews: Thursday, October 29th, 6-8pm - 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Hand in edited Kohlberg examples.
2. Finish "Thirteen" Essay (due tomorrow at 830am. Ensure you remember to do a Works Cited page).

Counselling 11
Pair/Interview Skills
1. Homework check (client/helper responses).
2. In-Class example.
3. For tomorrow: THREE fully developed client/helper response scenarios. Be mindful of BIAS in your phrasing (helper). You will be practicing your interview skills tomorrow.
*New due date: Pair Reflections and Session Observation Wednesday Oct. 28th-Friday Oct. 30th.*

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Chapter 4 questions due.
2. Chapter 4 quiz.
3. Begin Theme Paragraph #2 (chapters 3 and 4).
*Tomorrow's homework check: You must have your theme, thesis, and transition sentence completed.*
**Paragraph is due Wednesday, Oct 21st at 125pm**

Friday, 16 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Finish "Thirteen"; essay due Tuesday, October 20th.
2. Review Kohlberg stages (notes). *Redo/Edit/Elaborate Kohlberg examples. Hand in Monday.
3. Monday: Review quotation integration/work on essay.

Counselling 11
Pair Practice
1. Pairs distributed.
2. Work on scenario (client vs. helper responses/questions).*TWO due Monday (Session 1)*
3. Review Interview Skills.
*Written: Pairs reflection and *Observation: Interview Skills due Tuesday, October 27th.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Finish reading chapter 4.
2. Finish chapter 4 questions.
3. Film adaptation.
*Updated marks/Print outs of missing work distributed.*
**Next week: Theme paragraph of chapters 3 and 4.**


Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Kohlberg examples due.
2. Module 5 quiz.
3. Assignment (due Monday, October 19th):
- Discuss the biological and environmental factors that affect Tracy's adolescence. You must apply ONE theory - citing from the textbook - in your response (Piaget/Kohlberg/Erikson).
- 4-6 paragraphs, 7-10 quotations (I, I, C, E)

Counselling 11
1. Finish Cyberbully.
2. Pair reflections (due Thursday, October 22nd):
- You will be paired up with a classmate and taking turns as client and helper.
- Each student will write a 1-2 page response about their 4 sessions, commenting on their experience both as the client and the helper (positives, negatives, difficulties, things you want to learn more about, skills you'd like to improve, etc.).
- Additionally, you will be required to model a session so that I may observe how many skills you utilize and to what degree you are successful (see checklist).
*Groups Check-in: Friday, October 30th.*

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. 1 on 1 consults, updated marks.
2. Chapter 4
- read p. 66-74 - complete questions #1-5 (include page numbers and relevant themes).

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Psyche 11
1. Youth as Gatekeepers presentation in the theatre.
2. Reminder: Kohlberg examples due and module 5 quiz tomorrow.

Counselling 11
1. Youth as Gatekeepers presentation in the theatre.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Film adaptation of chapter 3.
2. Chapter 3 quiz.
3. Chapter 3 questions due.
4. Theme paragraph editing/consultations.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Review 5-5 and 5-6.
2. Review Erikson and Kohlberg.
3. Homework: Create scenarios/examples (point form OK) for each stage of Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development (due Thursday). Review for Module 5 quiz (on Thursday). Ensure you can differentiate between Kohlberg's, Erikson's, and Piaget's theories of development.
**Tomorrow: After attendance in B113, Youth as Gatekeepers Presentation in the the theatre.**

Counselling 11
1. Social Anxiety response due.
2. Cyber Bullying (to 35:23).
3. Pair preferences (for Thursday; we will be doing a new mini-project in which you and a partner will practice the helper-client process for 4 sessions. You will be graded on how well you apply and model Part I and II of the Interview Skills checklist. You may  use real or manufactured scenarios, such as: cyberbullying, social anxiety, or stress management. These reflections will be due Thursday, October 22nd).
*There will be a groups check-in on Friday, October 30th. You should have your first 4 sessions completely finished (details, resources, ideas, scenarios, plans, etc).
**Tomorrow: After attendance in B113, Youth as Gatekeepers Presentation in the the theatre.**

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Finish reading chapter 3. Finish chapter 3 questions (EVERY answer should contain at least one page number as a reference as well as MOST questions should include at least one THEME that the question is related to).
2. Study for chapter 3 quiz (tomorrow).
3. Work handed back. Updated marks.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Watch: Media Influence on TeensTeen biological and environmental factors..
2. Homework: Review module 5, complete 5-6 interview (present Tuesday).

Counselling 11
1. Watch: Social Anxiety documentary.
2. Response (1-2 pages, due Tuesday):
- Think of a time when you felt so anxious/shy you experienced physical discomfort. Describe your physical reactions and thoughts. Looking back, were your reactions rational? irrational? both?
Are you more or less extroverted now than when you were a child? What factors do you attribute to either changing/staying the same? When do you feel most comfortable (socially?) most uncomfortable? What tasks or situations cause you social anxiety? Why?

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Theme paragraphs due.
2.Theme/Thesis/Q.I. Review Quiz.
3.  Read Chapter 3 to p. 43.
- Complete questions #1-5.

Have a nice long weekend!

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5
1. Review 5-1 to 5-5, p. 80-88.
2. Discussion: Teen Issues, Rites of Passage.
3. Homework: Finish reading module 5 (page 88-96, 5-5.)
*Module 5 quiz Tuesday.*

Counselling 11
1. Review Part I of Interview Skills checklist, examples and non-examples.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Homework check: Theme paragraph (Chapter 1 and 2).
2. Review theme and thesis statements, quotation integration (you will be quizzed on this tomorrow).

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 5 - Adolescence
1. Hand in paragraphs (module 4).
2. Module 3 & 4 quiz.
3. Moral Theory discussion.
4. Homework: read p. 80-88, complete exercises 5-1 to 5-3.

Counselling 11
1. Stress Management continued.
2. Interviewing Skills checklist.
3. Triad practice.
4. Work on groups.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Chapter 2 quiz.
2. Chapter 1 and 2 theme paragraph (due tomorrow).

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 4
1. Watch The Baby's Brain documentary.
2. Finish paragraphs (due tomorrow), study for module 3/4 quiz (tomorrow).

Counselling 11
1. Stress Management.
2. Scenario-Triad practice.
3. Work on Groups (Complete sessions 1 and 2).

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Homework check: Questions #1-3a.
2. Finish reading Chapter 2.
3. Complete questions (quiz tomorrow).
4. Film adaptation of chapter 2.
*Tomorrow: Chapter 2 theme paragraph and quotation integration practice.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Psyche 11
Module 4
1. Updated marks.
2. Discuss 4-1 to 4-4.
3. Homework - For the following 6 prompts, choose 3 to develop into full paragraphs (7-12 sentences) and 3 to answer point form (3-5 points each). Due: Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
A. How do you think the criminal justice system should deal with somen who abuse substances while pregnant?
B. What are the pros and cons of having children later in life?
C. Since early childhood, has your temperament changed over time? Explain.
D. How would you describe your physical self=image from childhood to now?
E. What should parents do to encourage development? Are there specific ages when children should have certain tasks mastered?
F. What are the pros and cons of starting children out young in educational environments (ex. swimming lessons, music/art/dance lessons, sports teams, etc.)?
4. Finish reading module (p. 69-75), take notes. -> Module 3 and 4 quiz on Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
*Tomorrow: The baby's brain.

Counselling 11
- Updated marks.
1. Groups - plan in detail sessions 1 and 2. Suggestions:
- Title - Objective - Assessment - Agenda w. time allotments - List of resources, handouts - Potential difficulties - Resources/ways to address difficulties - Extras?
2. Stress Management.
3. Triad Practice (scenario and empathetic response).

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
- Updated marks
1. Commonly confused words Quiz.
2. Quotation Integration and theme review (chapter 1); draft paragraph (incl theme & thesis).
3. Start reading chapter 2 (p. 17-24); complete questions #1-3a (homework check tomorrow).

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. Nature/Nurture essays handed back, feedback, updated marks.
2. Finish Zimbardo questions (due tomorrow at 830am).
3. Tomorrow: Module 4.

Counselling 11
1. Active Listening Quiz.
2. Scenario & Responses due.
3. Triad practice.
4. Violence, continued.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Review: theme, metaphor, symbol, motif, setting, foreshadowing.
2. Read: Chapter 1.
3. Complete Chapter 1 Questions (open-book quiz...due tomorrow).
4. Tomorrow: Commonly confused words, film adaptation of scene 1, themes in chapter 1.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. Nature/Nurture essays due.
2. Stanford Prison Experiment.
3. Homework: Answer questions 1-9 (except for 5) in full sentences (due tomorrow); you'll have tomorrow's class to work on 10-16.
4. Next up: Module 4 (Pre-natal and Childhood Development).

Counselling 11
1. Finish Violence discussion.
2. Create two scenarios with Helper's response (in the form of a conversation): due tomorrow (for role-play practice activity.
3. Tomorrow is the last day for WEX apps.
4. Planning 2.0 Groups.
*Note: You will need to create a longer, detailed unit plan for the group you pitched last week. Due date TBA.
*Tomorrow: Active Listening Quiz.

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Theme paragraphs due.
2. Literary Device review: theme, symbol, setting, metaphor, motif, foreshadowing.
3. Surviving the Dustbowl (documentary).

Monday, 28 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. Finish Nature/Nurture essay (due tomorrow), including Works Cited.
MLA citation and Works Cited guide
2. Tomorrow: Zimbardo's experiment & questions (due Wednesday).

Counselling 11
1. WEX apps due.
2. Lecture - Self-Care, Types of Violence
3. Tomorrow: Active Listening quiz; Violence, continued; Helping Model; Role-Play
- Planning 2.0 Groups

Comm 12
Of Mice and Men
1. Introduction.
1b. Books distributed.
2. Time to work on theme paragraphs (due tomorrow).

Friday, 25 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. 3-8, 3-9 (discuss).
2. Plan Nature/Nurture essay (due Tuesday, September 29th).
- Thesis statement - 4-6 full paragraphs - 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) - Works Cited
*Next week: Zimbardo's experiment..., Module 4.

Counselling 11
1. Group pitch presentations and brochures due.
2. Next group project: Planning 2.0 (brainstorming).
3. Reminder: WEX apps due Monday.
*Next week: Self-Care, Healthy Living, Decision-Making, Role-Play practice.
*Active Listening Quiz Monday/Tuesday.*

Comm 12
1. Practice essay (4 complete paragraphs) + completed essay outline due today by the end of class.
2. Introduction to OMAM --> Review plot structure, literary devices.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. Field Research Projects due, presentations.
2. Essay - Nature vs. Nurture (due Monday, September 28th):
From your experience, what affects behaviour more, nature or nurture?
*Clear thesis *4-6 complete, cohesive paragraphs *5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E)
**Apply theories to your life story *Works Cited

Counselling 11
1. Time to work on Group Pitch project (brochure and presentation due TOMORROW).
2. WEX apps to Mrs. Lewis Monday, September 28th.
3. Quiz Monday/Tuesday.

Comm 12
1. Practice Essay (4 complete paragraphs).
- due (with completed outline) Friday.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. Warm-Up: 3-7.
2. Review 3-3, cloning, twin studies.
3. Time to finalize Field Research Project/Presentation (tomorrow).
- Coming Up: Nature vs. Nurture research essay (due Monday), 3-8 and 3-9.

Counselling 11
Active Listening
1. Presentation: WEX (applications due Monday, September 28th).
2. Group Pitch due Friday (verbal, written)
--> Time to work on this tomorrow in B208 or B113.

Comm 12
1. Practice Essay
- 4 paragraphs (paragraph = 5-10 sentences)
*due (with completed outline) on Friday

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 3
1. "Genie" questions due.
2. Review p. 39-45, 3-2, 3-3.
3. Compare/Discuss:
- parents' vs. peers' influence
- similarities/differences between you and a sibling/parent
(You will be writing a research paper explaining to what extent nature and nurture has influenced you...more details to come.)
4. Homework: Finish reading chapter and take notes.

Counselling 11
Interview Skills
1. Active Listening (con't)
- types of questions
- reflection, paraphrasing, re-framing, summarizing, agreeing
2. Time with group (Pitch Presentation Friday).
3. Tomorrow: WEX coordinator (come with questions); communication blockers; triad practice.

Comm 12
1. Homework check: Essay Outline
2. Practice Essay (4 paragraphs; each paragraph = 5-10 complete sentences).
-- Due Thursday @130 pm
3. Updated marks.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Psyche 11
Nature vs. Nurture (Module 3)
1. Discuss 3-1.
2. Video: Genie (Secret of the Wild Child)
3. Questions for Video:
- How did her environment affect her ability to:
A. Use language to communicate?
B. Develop motor skills (walking, writing, etc.)?
C. Develop bonds with people?
4. Homework: Read p. 39-49 & take notes, exercises 3-2, 3-3, 3-9.
*Reminder: Field Research project due Thursday!*

Counselling 11
Interview Skills
1. Active Listening (Lecture 6), notes.
2. Time to organize groups.
3. Tomorrow: Active Listening continued (questions, reflection, paraphrasing).

Comm 12
1. Grammar and essay outline quiz.
2. Brainstorming/Outline for Part D (Practice Essay for Provincial).
--> due tomorrow.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 2
1. Quiz - Module 2.
2. Review 2-11 to 2-13.
3. Handout: Field Research Format.
*note: you must collect data from 10-50 trials*
4. Ethics (2-19).

Counselling 11
1. Quiz: Conflict Resolution and Challenges
2. CRS paragraph due.
3. Groups (Robyn)
- You must form a group and create 6-10 sessions addressing a particular problem

Comm 12
1. Due at the beginning of class: LATE paragraphs (will not be taken after 130pm today).
2. Grammar review (quizzable).
3. Essay Outlines and Brainstorming (Part D).

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 2
1. Review p. 24-31.
2. Exercise 2-7 (discuss).
3. Surveys.
4. Homework: Exercises 2-11 to 2-13. Finish reading chapter (p. 31-33) and review for quiz.
 Tomorrow: Field Research Project - Formal Write-Up How To).

Counselling 11
Conflict Resolution
1. Review/discuss 1-5 and 1-6.
2. Activity: Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
3. Lecture 5 - Conflict Resolution Styles.
3b. Homework: Write a paragraph (7-12) sentences about your Conflict Resolution Style. Do you agree with your test results? Why or why not? Has your style helped or hindered you in the past? Give examples for both. Is your current style working for you, or are you attempting to change your resolution mode? (Due tomorrow).
*Tomorrow: Quiz.
4. Tomorrow: Groups (Robyn), Interviewing Skills (Active Listening),

Comm 12
1. Paragraphs marked, feedback.
2. Common errors (grammar, punctuation).
3. Business Letter and Visual Design formats.
4. Brainstorming/Outlines (Paragraph and Essay prep).

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 2 - Research Methods
1. Quiz (2-3).
2. Homework check (2-2 to 2-4).
3. Activity 2-6, Validity.
4. Notes (slides 6-10).
5. Homework: read 24-31, take notes.

Counselling 11
Interview Skills
1. Triads (introduction).
2. Review 1-3 to 1-4( in triads)
3. Homework: 1-5 to 1-6.
4. Tomorrow: Conflict resolution styles, interviewing skills, triad practice.
*Consider what type of group you would be interested in creating/managing.*

Comm 12
1. Due: Part B paragraphs.
2. Visual Design and Business Letter - due at the end of class.
3. Finish one-on-one consultations.
4. Tomorrow - Original Comp practice (outline skills).

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 2
1. Quizzes handed back, Warm-Up Activity (Exercise 2-5).
2. Review/Discuss 2-2 to 2-4 (notes), PowerPoint (slides 2-5).
3. Time to form groups/hypothesis for Field Research (see yesterday's post for details).
4. My client is a murderer...

Counselling 11
- Quizzes and paragraphs returned.
1. Review/discuss 1-2.
2. Lecture 4 - "The Shadow Side of Helping"
3. Exercises 1-3 to 1-5 (be ready to discuss tomorrow).

Comm 12
1. Time to work on Part B paragraphs (due at 2pm).
*One-on-One writing sample consults.*
2. Visual Design/Business Letter 2-245.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 2
1. Module 1 Quiz.
2. Warm up - Exercise 2-1.
2b. Module 2 - Research Strategies (notes)
- Observation, bias
3. Homework: Read p. 17-24 (take notes), Exercises 2-2 to 2-4.
4. Field Research Mini-Project: **Choose your group and hypothesis by Wednesday this week.**
Generate a hypothesis about the situations in which people offer help. Do men help more often than women? Are individuals more likely to help than people in groups? Will women be more likely to help other women in need? (These are just some questions you might create a hypothesis from, feel free to come up with your own; run it by me first.)
- Get into groups of three or four. Over the next week, conduct a field experiment testing their hypothesis. The helping siituation might look like: one of your group members drops your book in front of someone (in front of an individual/group/male/female...depending on the hypothesis.
- Complete as many trials of your experiment as possible.
- To avoid observer bias, your group members should agree on an operational defintion of what helping behaviour actually is.
- Each group member should have a distinct role to play in the experiment (example: one or two should act as "droppers" - one male student, one female student, if doing the gender-based hypothesis. One student may be an observer, one student a recorder. Students who aren't "droppers" should keep their distance from the situation so as not to confound the experiment).
**Next week you will need to write up your findings formally (as a group). More on this later...**

Counselling 11
1. Quiz - History
1b. Questions due.
2. Lecture 3 "Counselling: The Helping Profession" (notes).
3. Homework: Handout 1-1 and 1-2

Comm 12
1. Practice Provincial - correct multiple choice, Parts A and B.
2. Feedback: Writing Sample
- common errors
- Provincial rubric & examples
3. Class example: Part B - paragraph (notes).
- self-edit your Part B paragraph.
**Your rough draft paragraph -with edits - and your good copy paragraph of the Info-Text article about Earl Charters is due tomorrow at 2pm (two paragraphs).**
*Tomorrow: One-on-one feedback for Writing Sample 1*

Friday, 11 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 1
1. Review/discuss p. 9-16, exercises 1-2 to 1-6.
2. Classical vs. Operant ConditioningMaslow's Hierarchy of Needs (humanistic psychology).
3. Study for quiz (Monday).
- p. 3-16 - evolutionary psychology - p. 13, figure 1.3, psychometrician.
- which perspective appeals to you the most? (be able to define the perspective, know important names associated with perspective, explain why you prefer this perspective).

Counselling 11
1. Career Test Discussion.
2. Lecture 2 - History, continued.
3. Homework: Study for quiz (Monday). Answer questions (paragraph, 5-7 sentences each):
A. What factors/events influenced your interest in counselling?
B. What are the priority human needs in today's society for which counselling programs should react?
C. How has technology changed your life in recent years? How does it affect counselling?

Comm 12
1. Practice Provincial, continued.
2. Monday: feedback on writing sample 1 (from Wednesday).

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Psyche 11
Module 1
1. Warm up activity (moral dilemmas).
2. Review/discuss p. 3-8, note-taking.
3. Discuss 1-1, 1-2.
4. Homework: Read p. 9-16, exercises 1-3 to 1-6.

1. Lecture 1 - History and Evolution of Counselling (notes).
2. Homework: complete the test at www.careertest.net. Make notes/print your results. Be prepared to discuss tomorrow.

Comm 12
1. Practice Provincial - day 1.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Welcome back!

Psyche 11
Module 1
1. Introductions/syllabus.
2. Textbooks.
3. Homework: Read pages 3-8. Complete exercises 1-1 to 1-2 (handout).

1. Introduction/syllabus.
2. When to inform.
3. Tomorrow: Historical background.

Comm 12
1. Introduction/syllabus.
1b. Provincial Exam format.
2. Writing Sample.

*Please ensure you come prepared tomorrow with paper, pen, and textbook/homework*

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Good luck on exams, everyone!

It's been a pleasure teaching all of you this semester; good luck in the future :). 

*marks will be posted by Friday morning*

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

**Ensure you are here at least 30 minutes before your exam with all appropriate materials (blue/black pens, sharpened pencils with erasers, white-out)**
**I will be here every day during exam weeks; I'll be available for feedback/help on June 22nd and June 23rd - if you plan on coming in these days, please email me in advance.**

Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd (AM)
Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Ensure you have finished two info-text paragraphs and handed them in (for marks).
- You may do corrections on these for extra marks.
2. Review visual design/business letter format.
3. Review lit devices (provide definitions and examples); quiz.

Final Exam: Wednesday, June 17th (AM)
English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in late work.
2. Essays returned, feedback.
3. Lit Device quiz.

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (AM)
English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Hand in late work.
2. Essays returned, feedback.
3. Lit Device quiz.

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (PM)
Socials 11
Provincial Prep
1. Cumulative Review Test.
2. Essay feedback.
*If you are keeping your textbook until the exam, it will show up as "lost" on your fee statement. Don't worry about this. Ensure you bring your textbook(s) to the office on the day of the exam.*

Helpful links:

Lit Device Examples/Definitions

Practice Provincial Exams

Monday, 15 June 2015

Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd (AM)
Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Finish Original Comp good draft (hand in at the end of class).
2. Ensure you have finished two info-text paragraphs and handed them in (for marks).
- You may do corrections on these for extra marks.
3. Review visual design/business letter format.
4. Review lit devices (provide definitions and examples); quiz tomorrow.

Final Exam: Wednesday, June 17th (AM)
English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Original Comp essay #1 due.
2. Synthesis essay #2 due.
3. Today: Begin original comp essay #2 (different topic, different style) - due tomorrow.
4. Study lit devices (quiz tomorrow).

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (AM)
English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Synthesis Essay #2 due.
2. Work on Original Comp #2.
3. Review lit devices (provide definitions and examples). Quiz tomorrow.

Provincial Exam: Wednesday, June 24th (PM)
Socials 11
Provincial Prep
1. Aboriginal Issues fake-quiz.
2. Provincial Essay writing.
3. Review (cumulative practice test tomorrow).

Friday, 12 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Feedback/consultation (essays).
2. Complete good draft of Original Comp practice essay (due Monday).
3. Study lit devices (quizzes Monday and Tuesday).

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Original Comp practice essay #1 due.
2. Today: Read two texts, complete multiple choice.
3. Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday) - theme & thesis, 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E), multi-paragraph.
4. Study lit devices (quizzes Monday and Tuesday).

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Original Comp Essay #1 (or #2) due.
2. Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday).
3. Study lit devices (quizzes Monday and Tuesday).

Socials 11
Provincial Prep
1. Review questions (government, prime ministers).
2. Review Aboriginal Issues' exercises.
3. Documentary: "Oka Standoff".
*This weekend, continue reviewing all units. Optional: Write one or two essays for feedback.*

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Info-Text Paragraph #2, hand in.
2. Essay consultation & feedback.
3. Tomorrow: reminders (visual design, business letter), feedback/reminders for info-text.
3. Tomorrow: Original Comp Essay good copy (due Monday, June 15th).
*Review lit devices (quiz Monday and Tuesday).

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay #1 (due tomorrow at the beginning of class).
2. Tomorrow: Synthesis Essay #1 returned, feedback; Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday, June 15th).
3. Review Lit devices (quiz Monday and Tuesday).

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay #2.
2. Tomorrow: Synthesis Essay #1 Feedback; begin Synthesis Essay #2 (due Monday, June 15th).
*Review lit devices (quiz Monday and Tuesday).

Socials 11
French/Aboriginal Issues
1. French/English Issues Quiz.
2. Intro to Aboriginal Issues (p. 179-181); exercise #6 (complete for homework).
3. Residential Schools.
4. Tomorrow: Complete Aboriginal Issues (exercises #7 and 8): quiz Monday, June 15th.
**Monday, June 15th - Essay review/rough drafts/feedback**
**Tuesday, June 16th - Practice Test (Cumulative, covering all units).**
***Review political ideologies, government, and human geography (don't forget maps & diagrams!)

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Hand in Original Comp Essay Draft #1 (feedback tomorrow).
2. Read Info-Text #2 ("Tide reveals an ancient fishing culture").
- multiple choice
- paragraph (finish tomorrow)
*theme, thesis, 4-6 quotations (I, I, C, E).
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in Synthesis Essay #1.
2. Begin Original Comp Practice Essay #1 ("One experience can have the power to affect a person's life in a positive way").
- Theme & thesis (implicit or explicit, depending on essay type).
- Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive, or Narrative in style (or a combination of these).
- Multi-paragraph (4-6)
- Creative, voice, free of errors, expressive vocabulary
*Due at the end of tomorrow's class*
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Complete Original Comp Essay Draft #1 (hand in, feedback this week).
2.  Begin Original Comp Essay Draft #2 (different topic, different style).
- due at the beginning of Friday's class.
3. **Review lit terms nightly.**

Socials 11
Quebec/Aboriginal Issues
1. Discuss: Should Quebec separate? (Pros and Cons, personal opinion.)
2. Review pages 170-179 (quiz tomorrow).
3. Provincial Exam Practice questions (Human Geography review).

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Continue Original Comp Practice Essay #1.
2. Begin Original Comp Practice Essay #2.
*Review Lit Devices*

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Work on Synthesis Essay #1 (due tomorrow at 952am sharp!).
2. Tomorrow: Original Comp Practice Essay #1.
*Review Lit Devices*
*Return The Crucible books!*

English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Complete Practice Essay #1.
2. Tomorrow: Practice Essay #2.
*Review Lit Devices*

Socials 11
French/English Relations
1. Finish notes.
2. Review p. 170-177.
2b. October Crisis documentary
*Tomorrow: Debate: Should Quebec separate from Quebec?*
*Quiz: Thursday, June 11th
3. Aboriginal Issues Quiz (p. 179-184) - Quiz: Monday, June 15th
**Practice Essays due Monday, June 15th (for feedback, not marks)**
**You should be reviewing NIGHTLY all units, especially ones from the beginning of the semester (government, human geography, WWI)**
**Review Maps (Canadian battles/Europe, Canada, Middle East)**
**Review/Practice questions Monday June 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd**

Monday, 8 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks, feedback on Provincial Practice exercises A-C.
2. Original Composition Practice (one essay due Thursday, June 11th).
- Today, write on one of the following topics:
A. Determination can help an individual succeed.
B. It turned into an adventure didn't expect.
- Theme and thesis (explicit or implicit).
- Multi paragraph (at least 3).
- Can be expository, persuasive, narrative, or a combination of these styles.
- Must address (but not simply re-state) topic.
- Be creative (connect to topic; make it less vague and boring!).
*Tomorrow, a different topic and a different style; get feedback*

English 11
Final Exam Prep
1. Hand in The Crucible WAQs and books.
2. Synthesis Essay practice (due at the end of tomorrow's class).
*Wednesday and Thursday: Original Composition practice*
Theme and thesis
6-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) that make connections between the texts/support thesis

English 10
Provincial Exam Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Synthesis essay feedback.
3. Original Composition practice topic:
- People learn from a variety of sources -
- Theme and thesis (explicit or implicit).
- Multi paragraph (at least 3).
- Can be expository, persuasive, narrative, or a combination of these styles.
- Must address (but not simply re-state) topic.
- Be creative (connect to topic; make it less vague and boring!).

Socials 11
Quebec and Aboriginal Issues
1. Fake Quiz on p. 160-168.
2. Timeline: Leaders & Parties (Quebec, separatism), notes (to Meech Lake Accord).
3. Tomorrow: October Crisis documentary.
4. Homework: Read p. 171-179 (quizzable).

Friday, 5 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Commencement Rehearsal @ Prospera.
*Next week: Original Comp Essay Practice*
*Review literary devices*

English 11
The Crucible
1. Read Act IV (finish play).
2. Film adaptation.
3. TWO Well Answered Question extended paragraphs due Monday, June 8th.
*Next week: Synthesis and Original Comp Essay Practice*
*Review literary devices*

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks (term 4 + overall).
2. Synthesis essay due today (feedback Monday).
*Next week: Original Comp Essay Practice*
*Review literary devices*

Socials 11
Canada 1980-2000
1. Quiz (exercises #7-10, to page 160).
2. Discuss pages 160-168 (peacekeeping), complete exercises #11 and 12 (quiz Monday).
3. The UN Peacekeeping Documentary
Rwandan Genocide
*Next week: Quebec and Aboriginal Issues*
*Provincial Exam Essays: June 15th & 16th*
- Tutorials June 22nd-23rd?

Congratulations Grad 2015!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Comm 12
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Complete Info-Text paragraph (hand in for marks).
3. Complete Visual Design and Business letter (hand in for feedback).
*Tomorrow: Attendance at 830am, bus to commencement rehearsal 845am*
*Next week: Original Composition practice*

English 11
The Crucible
1. Discuss/analyze important quotations from Act III.
2. Film adaptation of Act II.
*Tomorrow: Finish reading Act IV.*
**Assignment change: TWO WAQs due Monday, June 8th, NOT three**

English 10
Provincial Prep
1. Mark multiple choice questions from literary text.
2. Brainstorm/plan synthesis essay.
3. Examples given in-class.
A. Intro - Theme (what theme do both texts share?) + thesis (identify both titles and both authors and how the texts contrast) + sum up each text in one sentence each + transition
B. Body - 12-15 sentences --> Topic sentence, 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E) that support your thesis, transition(s)
C. Conclusion - 3-4 sentences = re-state theme, thesis, summarize/conclude.
**Due at the END of TOMORROW's class*

Socials 11
PostWar Years
1. Fake-Quiz/Review exercises #5-7.
2. Discuss: George W. Bush & 9/11 (was it an inside job?).
3. Homework: Review up to p. 160, complete exercises #8, 10 (quiz tomorrow).

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

All classes - continue work started yesterday (homework check

Be nice to your TOC.


Monday, 1 June 2015

Comm 12 - Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd AM
Provincial Prep
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Provincial Prep - read literary text, complete multiple choice (be able to justify your answer).
*Tomorrow: Info-Text paragraph*
A. Literary Text & multiple choice - June 1st-2nd
B. Informational Text & multiple choice & paragraph - June 3rd-5th
C. Visual Design & Business Letter - June 8th-9th
D. Original Composition - June 10th-16th

English 11 - Final Exam - Wednesday, June 17th AM
The Crucible
1. Homework check: WAQ #1 draft.
2. Read Act II, discuss; important quotations.
*Final Crucible assignment (50 marks): "Essay and Discussion Topics":
*Choose 3 topics and write a WAQ for each topic (3 WAQs due Monday, June 8th)
*For each WAQ: - 12-15 sentences - theme and thesis - 3-4 quotations (I, I, C, E)
3. Schedule:
C. Act III (p. 83-120) Wednesday, June 3rd.
D. Act IV (p. 121-146) Friday, June 5th.
4. Final Exam Prep: Monday, June 8th - Wednesday June 16th

English 10 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th AM
Provincial Prep
1. Provincial Exam format review (Friday, May 29th)
3. Exam Prep:
A. Reading Comp & Multiple Choice (June 1st-June 3rd).
B. Synthesis Multiple Choice and Paragraphs (June 4th-9th).
C. Original Composition (June 10th-14th).
D. Writing & Grammar review (June 15th-16th).

Socials 11 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th PM
Canada 1980-2004
1. Quiz: p. 141-143.
2. Discuss p. 145-147, complete exercise #4, discuss (healthcare).
3. Homework: Read p. 143-147, complete exercises #2 and 3 (be prepared for quiz tomorrow).

Friday, 29 May 2015

Comm 12 - Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd AM
1. Booklet due today! (no extensions!)
2. Next week: Provincial Prep:
A. Literary Text & multiple choice - June 1st-3rd
B. Informational Text & multiple choice & paragraph - June 3rd-5th
C. Visual Design & Business Letter - June 8th-9th
D. Original Composition - June 10th-16th

English 11 - Final Exam - Wednesday, June 17th AM
The Crucible
1. Finish reading Act I; discuss.
1b. Film adaptation of Act I.
1c. Homework: Rough draft of WAQ #1 (homework check Monday).
2. Reminder: Final Crucible assignment (50 marks): "Essay and Discussion Topics" - Choose 3 topics and write a WAQ for each topic (3 WAQs due Monday, June 8th)
*For each WAQ:
- 12-15 sentences - theme and thesis - 3-4 quotations (I, I, C, E)
3. Schedule:
B. Act II (p. 49-81) Monday, June 1st.
C. Act III (p. 83-120) Wednesday, June 3rd.
D. Act IV (p. 121-146) Friday, June 5th.
4. Final Exam Prep: Monday, June 8th - Wednesday June 16th

English 10 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th AM
Romeo & Juliet
1. Complete essay, hand in (staple outline to the back).
2. Provincial Exam format review (Friday, May 29th)
3. Exam Prep:
A. Reading Comp & Multiple Choice (June 1st-June 3rd).
B. Synthesis Multiple Choice and Paragraphs (June 4th-9th).
C. Original Composition (June 10th-14th).
D. Writing & Grammar review (June 15th-16th).

Socials 11 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th PM
PostWar Years
1. Post-War Quiz #3.
2. Review Provincial exam format.
3. Homework: Read p.141-143.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Comm 12 - Provincial Exam: Monday, June 22nd AM
1. Character Analyses.
2. Visual Analyses (today and Friday).
*Booklet due Friday, May 29th (no extensions!)*
*Essay outline Monday, June 1st*
*In-Class Essay Tuesday, June 2nd - June 3rd*
*Provincial Exam Prep June 6th-16th*

English 11 - Final Exam - Wednesday, June 17th AM
The Crucible
1. Read and discuss Act I (p. 8-34); finish Act I tomorrow (time to work on WAQ).
2. Reminder: Final Crucible assignment (50 marks): "Essay and Discussion Topics" - Choose 3 topics and write a WAQ for each topic (3 WAQs due Monday, June 8th)
*For each WAQ:
- 12-15 sentences - theme and thesis - 3-4 quotations (I, I, C, E)
4. Schedule:
A. Act I (p. 8-48) Thursday, May 28th.
B. Act II (p. 49-81) Monday, June 1st.
C. Act III (p. 83-120) Wednesday, June 3rd.
D. Act IV (p. 121-146) Friday, June 5th.
E. Film adaptation Monday, June 8th-Tuesday June 9th.
F. Final Exam Prep: Wednesday June 10th- Wednesday June 16th

English 10 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th AM
Romeo & Juliet
1. Complete essay outlines.
2. In-Class essay (today and tomorrow)
*Due: Friday, May 29th* (outline also due for marks).
3. Provincial Exam format review (Friday, May 29th)
4. Exam Prep:
A. Reading Comp & Multiple Choice (June 1st-June 3rd).
B. Synthesis Multiple Choice and Paragraphs (June 4th-9th).
C. Original Composition (June 10th-14th).
D. Writing & Grammar review (June 15th-16th).

Socials 11 - Provincial Exam - Wednesday, June 24th PM
PostWar Years
1. Review Exercises #8-10.
2. Finish documentary.
3. Review terms #57-79.
4. Complete Exercise #9 paragraph (due tomorrow).
5. PostWar Quiz #3 Friday, May 29th.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Comm 12
1. Character Analyses (today and tomorrow).
2. Visual Analyses (tomorrow and Friday).
*Booklet due Friday, May 29th (no extensions!)*
*Essay outline Monday, June 1st*
*In-Class Essay Tuesday, June 2nd - June 3rd*
*Provincial Exam Prep June 6th-17th*

English 11
The Crucible
1. Overture critical summaries due.
2. Overture quiz (mark, record).
3. Handout: "Essay and Discussion Topics" - Choose 3 topics and write a WAQ for each topic (3 WAQs due Monday, June 8th)
*For each WAQ:
- 12-15 sentences - theme and thesis - 3-4 quotations (I, I, C, E)
4. Schedule:
A. Act I (p. 8-48) Thursday, May 28th.
B. Act II (p. 49-81) Monday, June 1st.
C. Act III (p. 83-120) Wednesday, June 3rd.
D. Act IV (p. 121-146) Friday, June 5th.
E. Film adaptation Monday, June 8th-Tuesday June 9th.
F. Final Exam Prep: Wednesday June 10th- Wednesday June 17th

English 10
Romeo & Juliet
1. Complete essay outlines.
2. In-Class essay (today and tomorrow)
*Due: Friday, May 29th* (outline also due for marks).
3. Provincial Exam format review (Friday, May 29th)
4. Exam Prep:
A. Reading Comp & Multiple Choice (June 1st-June 3rd).
B. Synthesis Multiple Choice and Paragraphs (June 4th-9th).
C. Original Composition (June 10th-15th).
D. Writing & Grammar review (June 16th-17th).

Socials 11
PostWar Years
1. PostWar Quiz #2.
2. Class Discussion (Exercise #12): How to be a 1950s housewife.
3. Finish documentary.
4. Homework: Read p.133-137, complete exercises #8-10 **Exercise 9 paragraph due FOR MARKS Friday, May 29th**, terms 57-79 --> PostWar Quiz #3 Friday, May 29th.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Comm 12
1. Review yesterday's homework.
2. Read p.213-230 (finish novel).
3. Complete questions #80-86.
*Tomorrow: Character Analysis*
*Thursday: Essay Outline*
*Booklet due: Friday, May 29th*
*In-Class Essay: Friday, May 29th*

English 11
The Crucible
1. Finish documentary.
2. Read p. 2-8 (Overture to The Crucible).
- Summarize the main points (10-12)
- Connect to theme
- Make note of important quotations (p. 4, 5, 7, 8) (10-12)
*Discuss tomorrow*
*Be prepared for a quiz on the Overture tomorrow*

English 10
Romeo & Juliet
1. Essay outline (full), time in-class to finish tomorrow.
2. In-Class Essay Wednesday and Thursday (and part of Friday if necessary).

Socials 11
1. Discuss Exercises #4-7.
2. Study terms #29-56
(Quiz tomorrow on the above.)
3. Complete Comfort and Fear documentary.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Comm 12
1. Review questions #60-68.
2. Read p. 179-213
3. Complete questions #69-79 (time in-class tomorrow to finish these).

English 11
The Crucible
1. Introduction to The Crucible (themes).
2. Salem Witch Trials documentary (to 57:27).
3. Return books.

English 10
Romeo & Juliet
1. Act V questions (mark, record).
2. Test - Multiple Choice.
3. Plan essay - outline - (in-class Wednesday and Thursday).

Socials 11
Post-War Years
1. Quiz #1 (Exercises #1-3, terms #1-28).
2. Homework: Read p. 125-133.
3. Exercises #4-7, terms #29-56 (quiz Wednesday).