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Tuesday 20 September 2016

Socials 10
1. "Rights" paragraphs returned; feedback.
2.Finish Formal Current Events presentations.
2b. Review for Thursday's test.
2c. Prepare an outline for the following topic:
Is Canada a democracy?
*thesis statement, cause/effect/solution, structure/organization, mechanics/formal writing
3. Tomorrow: Review, textbooks distributed.
2d. One-on-one consults - current progress report (continued tomorrow).
3b. Next week: Socials 9 Review/Socials 10 Course introduction.

English 11
Short Stories
1. Hand in "The Possibility of Evil" WAQ (good draft). Must be handed in BEFORE the second bell.
2. Read: "The Lamp at Noon" by Sinclair Ross (p. 140).
3. WAQ Topic:
Citing textual evidence, explain how Ross' description of the environment illuminates theme.
- Criteria:
- Theme, thesis statements - 4-6 quotations (I, I, C, E) - Transitions (in and out of evidence)
- Conclusion - Mechanics (grammar/punctuation/spelling) - 10-15 complete sentences
- Double-Spaced - Written in pen (objective, present tense)
4. Coming up: Novel Study (title TBA).

Socials 11
1. Finish Formal Current Events presentations
2. "Rights" paragraphs returned; feedback.
3. Discuss homework (p. 290-296, questions #1 and 4).
3b. Review for Thursday's test.
Written Topic (prep an outline):
- Define and provide examples of civil disobedience.

1. Practice tomorrow 3-430; if you haven't already done so, pay fees, get permission forms completed, signed, and return to me. If you weren't at practice yesterday you missed filling in another mandatory form; ensure you're there tomorrow!
2. Last chance uniforms on Tuesday, September 27th IMMEDIATELY at the lunch bell (Mr. Tagle in the gym). If you do not pick up your uniforms on Tuesday, you will not be playing in the game.
3. Starting next week:
- Practice: Monday 430-6, Thursday 430-6
- Games: Wednesday 3-530
*Ensure you book off these times if you have a part-time job; players who are not consistent will lose playing time.*