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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Socials 10
Life in 1815
1. Review/discuss homework:
- questions for pages 44-52
2. Lesson 1.1: Economy, 1.2 Government.
3. Homework: Read p. 53-56. Answer questions up to and including #8 ("The Problem of Land"). Define the key terms found on the front page of your booklet.
*Homework check/review Monday.*

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Create outline/rough draft of WAQ #4 (good draft due at the end of Monday's class):
Citing textual evidence, describe the evolution of Gene's friendship with Finny throughout the first four chapters of A Separate Peace.
~ Criteria:
- Theme statement
- Thesis statement
- Transitions in, between, and out of evidence
- 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E)
- Conclusion
- Written objectively, in present-tense
- Mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation)
- Double-spaced, blue/black ink
2. Monday: Vocabulary quiz (chapter 4).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 2 questions due.
2. Chapter 3
- read
- answer questions
3. Review vocabulary (quiz next week).

Socials 11
Life in 1900
1. Review/discuss p. 21 questions.
1b. Create an outline for the following prompt:
Describe Canada's political, economic, and social landscape before World War I.
- Thesis statement: Before 1914, political, economic, and social advantages were largely enjoyed by upper-class, white-European men.
(Check your Perspectives from p. 22 chart --also on the test-- for ideas for your paragraph).
2. Complete/discuss Perspectives Chart (p. 22).
2b. In-Class: Work on review activities (p. 22-23).
#1abcd, 3, 4, 5 (I'll go over the TRC on Monday), 6, 7 (just add this information to the chart, you do not need to write a separate paragraph), 8, 9, 10.
- Ensure your answers are full and complete; some answers will be longer than others.
*Review activities + Chapter 1 formal question assignments due Tuesday, Oct 4th, hand in before your test.
3. Monday: TRC, review
4. Tuesday: Chapter 1 test, chapter questions/review assignment due.

1. Today: Practice with Mel at 430.
2. Reminder: Monday's game (we host CSSS; be ready for warm-up at 4pm)
3. Reminder: Wednesday's game at Unity (You have a bus there; please find out if you are able to get a ride home.)