Socials 10
1. Unit 3 Assignment due at 845.
2. Unit 3 Test
- multiple choice
- essay (one-sided outline OK; written in blue/black ink).
*You may not take essay home. If you do not finish today you will have tomorrow's class to work on it.
English 11(2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (JP, MD).
2. Finish reading Act I.
- answer focus questions
- find important quotations (that support themes) *HW check tomorrow, Act I quiz tomorrow*
3. Analysis.
4. Film adaptation.
English 11(3)
1. Return LOTF novels (CN, BR, HW).
2. Finish reading Act I.
- complete focus questions - find important quotations
3. Film adaptation of Act I.
Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Review. Paragraph outline.
2. Documentary.
3. Tomorrow: Formal Questions and Review Questions due. Quiz + WAQ (1920s).
1. No practice today.
2. Return jerseys to B113.
3. Team shirts?