Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Review assignment (up to question #32).
1b. Quizzes returned.
1c. Informal Current Events.
2. Unit 4 Essay prep:
- List the political, social, and economic causes and effects of the Red River Resistance of 1868.
- Include important people, events, dates.
3. Documentary (Thomas Scott's execution, Riel's provisional government).
4. Assignment:
- read p. 152-156
- questions #32-42
Next week:
5. Monday: Finish reading chapter, finish questions, review.
6. Tuesday: Essay outline prep, review.
7. Wednesday/Thursday: Question booklet due. Test. In-Class Essay (tentatively).
English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (JP).
1B. Act III quiz.
2. Read Act IV.
Next week:
3. Monday: Finish film adaptation. Act IV quiz, Act IV questions (due Tuesday).
3b. Tuesday: Review/Essay Outline
4. Test/In-Class Essay Wednesday-Thursday.
English 11 (3)
1. Return LOTF novels (HW).
1B. Act III quiz.
2. Read Act IV.
Next week:
- questions (handout distributed Monday, due Tuesday)
+ important quotations (essay prep).
Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Finish discussing informal questions (#1-4, p. 99).
2. Discuss Formal Questions (#2ab, 6 on p. 100, #1 on p. 104).
3. Notes.
Next week:
Monday: Finish reading chapter (p. 105-115).
- Formal questions: #1, 2 (p. 105), #1-4 (p. 110) **Discuss Tuesday**
Thursday/Friday: Test + WAQ/Essay
- Return jerseys ASAP!
- Sign up for Falcon's Nest with Mr. Geary ASAP