Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Begin film: Dances with Wolves.
1b. Questions (distributed today) due at the end of the film.
English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. "Half-Hanged Mary" analysis, questions due.
2. Introduction to Lord of the Flies.
3. Return books.
English 11 (3)
1. Multiple choice test, in-class WAQ, outline due at the end of class.
2. Return books.
Socials 11
World War II
1. Notes: Causes of WWII.
2. Assigned:
- read p. 118-126
- formal questions: #2-4 (p. 123), #1 (p. 126).
1. Return jerseys. Mr. Geary's Falcon's Nest training in this week's FLEX.