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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Discuss questions; add information as you watch the film.
2. Continue Dances with Wolves.
3. Questions due Thursday.
4. Thursday: (informal) Current Events.
5. Next week: Unit 5

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
*Return books*
1. Introduction and background (notes).
2. Books distributed.
3. Chapter 1
- read (half of chapter); finish tomorrow.
- answer questions #1-9 (handout distributed today), due tomorrow (finish tomorrow in class). *Include page numbers, themes, and fully answer each question.*

English 11 (3)
*Return books*
1. Complete Macbeth WAQ.
2. Begin Gladiator.
3. Future WAQ:
Compare and contrast themes, characterization, and plot in Macbeth and Gladiator.
*Due Thursday*

Socials 11
World War II
1. Notes:
- Causes/background review to World War II.
2. Work on assignment:
- read p. 118-126
- formal questions: #2-4 (p. 123), #1 (p. 126).
3. End unit essay questions (prep an outline but remember your test and essay will be closed book):
- Describe the social, economic, and political effects of WWII on Canada.