Socials 10
Unit 5
1. 5.3 Quiz (major events).
2. Review homework assignment.
3. Continue documentary, continue essay outline planning (social, political, economic factors that resulted in the Northwest Uprising).
4. Assigned:
- read p. 187-194
- questions #25-29
- review for unit test (next week)
English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
*Return ASP/TC books - AB, MD, JP*
1. Quizzes returned.
2. Chapter 5...
- read - analyze (answer questions) - important quotations
3. Tomorrow: WAQ planning and analysis, QI practice.
4. Friday: Chapter 1-4 questions DUE, Ch1-5 test (including in-class WAQ; due at the end of class).
English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 3...
- read - analyze (answer questions) - important quotations
2. Chapter 1-4 questions due Friday.
Socials 11
World War II
1. Complete notes (Battles).
2. Begin film: Schindler's List.
3. Assignment:
- read p. 152-157
- review, essay prep/planning/review (consider #1 and #6 on p. 160).
4. Next week: The Home-Front, Aftermath of WWII, Unit test/essay (closed book, no outline).