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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Map quiz.
2. Review homework.
3. Essay topic focus: Describe the causes and effects of the Red River Rebellion/Resistance of 1868 (social, political, economic).
- Important names: Robert Semple, Cuthbert Grant, George Simpson, John Schultz, Lord Selkirk, Louis Riel, Miles Macdonell, Thomas Scott, William MacDougall, John A. Macdonald
--> Who is pro-Metis? Who is pro-government?
4. Documentary (take notes).
5. Homework:
- read p. 138-145
- questions #9-20

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (MD, JP).
2. Act II Quiz.
2b. Act II analysis, questions?
3. Act III
- read p. 83-120
4. Act III Focus questions:
- Describe the absolutist nature of Danforth's court. What type of person is Danforth? Are the proceedings just?
- Describe the change in Hale's character.
- Describe the facets of group dynamics/mob mentality.
+ important quotations, literary devices

English 11 (3)
1. Return LOTF novels (HW).
2. Act II Quiz.
3. Act III
- read sc i - iii
4. Act III Focus questions:
- Banquo's murder (sc i)
- Macbeths' gender roles (challenged? traditional?) (sc ii)
- Trace the beginning of Macbeth's downfall & the irony of the appearance of Banquo's ghost (sc iv)
- Dramatic irony, verbal irony (sc vi)

Socials 11 
Interwar Years
1. Discuss homework (formal questions #1-4 on p. 93).
2. Pair/Share activity (informal): #5 on p. 93.
2b. Notes (Causes of the Great Depression, Politics; continued tomorrow).
3. Homework:
- read p. 94-97
- study/review terms and figures --> you will NOT get a cheat-sheet or essay outline this unit so ensure you are reviewing nightly.

- RETURN YOUR JERSEYS TO ME (IN B113) ASAP (or give to Nat when you pay for your team shirt)