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Friday, 16 December 2016

Socials 10
History of BC
1. Notes: Gold Rush, Confederation
2. Assigned:
- Complete reading & review chapter
- Complete unit 6 assignment booklet (due January 5th)
3. Study for test (January 5th) and plan/outline your written paragraphs:
A. Describe BC's history of racism.
B. Describe James Douglas' significance to BC

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Complete essay outline
a. one page, one-sided
b. 7-12 quotations
c. point form except for your theme and thesis statements
2. Chapter 9-12 questions due at the end of class.
3. In-Class essay: January 3rd-4th.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Complete essay outline
a. one page, one-sided
b. 7-12 quotations
c. point form except for your theme and thesis statements
2. Chapter 9-12 questions due at the end of class.
3. In-Class essay: January 3rd-4th.

Socials 11
Postwar Years
1. Notes/review: Canada and the World (1946-1980).
2. Discuss assignment (#1-5, p. 196).
3. Assigned:
- Complete chart (#1 on p. 202)
- read p. 206-214
- FQ #1-4 (p. 214)

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Socials 10
Unit 6
1. Notes: First Nations Treaties.
2. Review homework.
3. Assigned:
- read p. 232-238
- questions #1-34 should be (mostly) completed.
4. Tomorrow: Gold Rush notes

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Review chapter 9-12 questions (due at the end of tomorrow's class).
2. Work on essay outline (continue/finish tomorrow):
- 1 page, single-sided - 7-10 quotations (I, I, C, E) - theme and thesis statements (full sentences OK, everything else should be point form).
3. In-Class Essay: January 3rd-4th.

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Review chapter 9-13 questions (due at the end of tomorrow's class).
2. Work on essay outline (continue/finish tomorrow):
- 1 page, single-sided - 7-10 quotations (I, I, C, E) - theme and thesis statements (full sentences OK, everything else should be point form).
3. In-Class Essay: January 3rd-4th.

Socials 11
1. WWII tests returned, updated marks.
1b. Informal activity: Read p. 192-193
2. Review/discuss homework
- #1-3 (p. 178)
- #1, 2, 4, 6 (p. 189)
3. Assigned:
- read p. 190-201
- FQ #1-5 (P. 196)
4. Notes: Cold War: USSR vs. US (continue tomorrow).

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Block 1 - Socials 10
- Assign the next 20 pages of reading (see the whiteboard for where they have left off) and the corresponding questions in their Unit 6 assignment booklet. Due tomorrow.
Flex - Christmas Assembly with block 2 students (seating rows 8-9, section C, left of Gym)
Block 2 - English 11
- Assign students to finish reading the novel and finish their questions (they already have them). They will be writing an in-class essay Thursday and they should have already been working on their outline throughout the unit - this should not be a surprise.
Block 3 - English 11
- Assign students to finish reading the novel and finish their questions (they already have them). They will be writing an in-class essay Thursday and they should have already been working on their outline throughout the unit - this should not be a surprise.
 Block 4 - Socials 11
- Assign reading: p. 180-189
- Formal questions:  1, 2, 4, 6 on p. 189
*Homework check tomorrow* for all classes.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Socials 10
Unit 6
1. Notes: The Oregon Boundary dispute.
2. Review homework: questions #1-6.
3. Assigned:
- read p. 210-212
- questions #7-9
4. Future test prep.
5. Updated marks, tests returned.

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 10...
- read - analyze - important quotations.
2. Film inaccuracies.
3. Essay planning (decide on a topic, create theme and thesis statements, find important quotations).
4. Test/In-Class essay: Thursday-Friday next week.
*Updated marks

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 5-8 questions due.
2. Chapter 9 (in-class). Chapter 10 (for homework); review questions on Monday.
- read - analyze - important quotations
3. Future essay prep.
*Updated mark
4. Test/In-Class essay: Thursday-Friday next week.

Socials 11
World War II
1. Hiroshima.
2. Assigned:
- read p. 170-178
- FQ #1-3 (p.178) (discuss Monday...possible quiz).
*Updated marks

Thursday, 8 December 2016

All classes: Yesterday at 3pm was the cut-off to hand in late term 2 work (work assigned Nov 4-Dec 6). With only about a month of classes before Final Exams in January, you are encouraged to hand work in ON TIME. Again, no late work from Nov 4-Dec 6 will be accepted; your last (not your first) opportunity to hand in work from this term (thus far) was yesterday at 3pm.

Socials 10
Unit 6
1. Unit 5 work, MC tests returned.
2. Assigned:
- Label Unit 6 map
- read p. 206-209
- questions #1-6 (assignment booklet distributed).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 5-8 questions due.
2. Chapter 9...
- read - analyze - quotations
3. Film inaccuracies, continued.

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 8...
- read - analyze - important quotations
*Chapter 5-8 questions due tomorrow.*

Socials 11
World War II
1. Complete WWII test (due at the end of today's class).

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Continue & complete Unit 5 test (essay; staple outline to back).
2. Up next: Unit 6: The Development of British Columbia.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 8...
- read - analyze - important quotations
2. Chapter 5-8 questions due tomorrow.

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 7...
- read - analyze - important quotations
2. Chapter 5-8 questions due Friday.

Socials 11
World War II
1. Formal questions due.
2. World War II Test (closed-book).
- you may not take home; if you need more time you have tomorrow's class - due at the end of Thursday's class.

Image result for pearl harbour remembrance day

Monday, 5 December 2016


Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Review/essay outline prep day.
- study key terms, events, and people
- your outline is one-page, one-sided, and the only full-sentence is your thesis statement.
- essay format criteria review
2. Complete Unit 5 assignment booklet (due tomorrow at the beginning of class).
3. Updated marks.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. WAQs returned; updated marks.
2. Chapter 6...
- read - analyze - important quotations
*Return late The Crucible and A Separate Peace books ASAP! JP, MD, AB*
3. 1990 film adaptation inaccuracies...

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Work returned; updated marks.
2. Chapter 6...
 - read - analyze - important quotations
3. Future essay/WAQ prep.

Socials 11
World War II
1. Reflections (Schindler's List, Nazism, The Final Solution).
2. Review p. 152-157 (informally answer/discuss questions on p. 154, 156, 157; group/class).
3. Notes: Canada's Homefront.
4. Assigned:
- read p. 158-161
- FQ: #1, 2, 5 on p. 159).
5. Continue to review/essay prep daily; World War II Test: Wednesday-Thursday.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Review assignment (questions #30-39).
2. Finish documentary.
3. Complete essay outline, review.
*Unit 5 booklet due Tuesday at the beginning of class.*
*Unit 5 test + essay: Tuesday-Wednesday*

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 1-4 questions due.
2. Chapter 1-5 test + WAQ (due at the end of class).

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 1-4 questions due.
2. Chapter 5...
- read, analyze, important quotations
3. Future WAQ/essay planning.
*Return missing ASP/TC books*

Socials 11 
World War II
1. Continue Schindler's List.
2. Review for WWII test/add to essay outline.
3. Next week: The Home-Front, Aftermath of WWII, Unit test (closed book, no outline).

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Unit 5 Quizzes returned.
1b. Updated marks, sign up for my FLEX next week if you are missing work.
2. Review homework (#25-29).
2b. Work on essay outline (1 page, 1 sided, POINT FORM; your only full sentence should be your thesis statement).
3. Finish notes (5.4 - Louis Riel's Trial).
4. Assigned:
- read p. 195-202 (finish chapter)
- finish questions (#30-39)
5. Tomorrow: Finish documentary, finish outline.
Next week:
6. Monday: Review
7. Tuesday-Wednesday: Unit 5 Test and Essay

English 11
Lord of the Flies
*Return ASP/TC books - AB, MD, JP*
1. Analysis, review.
2. Quotation Integration Practice, WAQ practice (theme & thesis statements).
3. Tomorrow: Chapter 1-5 test (including in-class WAQ).
3b. Tomorrow: Chapter 1-4 questions due at the BEGINNING of class.

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 4...
- read - analyze - important quotations.
1b. Ch 1-4 questions due tomorrow @ the beginning of class

Socials 11
World War II
1. Continue Schindler's List.
2. Review/Essay prep (nightly)! - You should have up to p. 157 read.
(consider #1 and #6 on p. 160).
4. Next week: The Home-Front, Aftermath of WWII, Unit test/essay (closed book, no outline).

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 5
1. 5.3 Quiz (major events).
2. Review homework assignment.
3. Continue documentary, continue essay outline planning (social, political, economic factors that resulted in the Northwest Uprising).
4. Assigned:
- read p. 187-194
- questions #25-29
- review for unit test (next week)


English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
*Return ASP/TC books - AB, MD, JP*
1. Quizzes returned.
2. Chapter 5...
- read - analyze (answer questions) - important quotations
3. Tomorrow: WAQ planning and analysis, QI practice.
4. Friday: Chapter 1-4 questions DUE, Ch1-5 test (including in-class WAQ; due at the end of class).

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 3...
- read - analyze (answer questions) - important quotations
2. Chapter 1-4 questions due Friday.

Socials 11
World War II
1. Complete notes (Battles).
2. Begin film: Schindler's List.
3. Assignment:
- read p. 152-157
- review, essay prep/planning/review (consider #1 and #6 on p. 160).
4. Next week: The Home-Front, Aftermath of WWII, Unit test/essay (closed book, no outline).

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Review homework assignment (up to p. 180/ up to question #19).
2. Notes: 5.2 Major players and 5.3 Major events.
3. Assigned:
- read p. 181-186
- questions #20-24
- review 5.2 and 5.3 (quiz tomorrow).
4. Add to essay outline (test prep).

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapters 1-3 Vocab quiz.
1b. Read chapter 4 (finish reading for homework).
2. Complete Chapter 4 questions (finish for homework).
3. Chapter 1-4 questions due tomorrow.
4. Tomorrow: Chapter 4 WAQ Outline (written in-class on Thursday).

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 2...
- read - analyze - important quotations

Socials 11
World War II
1. Review quiz (up to p. 149).
2. Informal activity: Read p. 150-151 with a partner, answer questions #1-4; discuss as a class.
3. Review/add to essay outline (#1 and #6 on p. 160).

Monday, 28 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 5 - Conflict on the Prairies
1. Notes: Historical background.
2. Review homework: p. 166-174 (questions #1-9)
3. Documentary.
4. Homework:
- read p. 174-180
- questions #10-19
4b. Essay planning: How did Riel's uprising relate to Macdonald's National Policy (CPR, settlement of the west, tariffs; social, economic, and political factors)?
5. Future project: Mock Louis Riel Trial.

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
1. Return books.
2. Chapter 3...
- read - analyze - important quotations
3. Notes: id/ego/superego.
4. Study vocabulary for quiz (chapters 1-3). Quiz tomorrow.

English 11 (3)
A Separate Peace
1. Gladiator WAQ due at second bell.
2. A Separate Peace
- background notes
- themes, symbols, motifs
2b. Books, Chapter 1-4 questions distributed
3. Chapter 1...
- read - answer questions

Socials 11
World War II
1. Review formal question assignment (#1-7 on p. 137)
1b. And essay planning points (#1-4 p. 139, #6 on p. 160)
2. Notes (battles).
3. Homework:
- read p. 140-149
- questions: #1-3 (p. 149)
+ review and essay prep

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 5
1. Complete Dances with Wolves questions; hand in.
2. Choose next week's FLEX session.
3. Current Events (informal).
4. Assigned:
- read p. 166-174
- questions #1-9

English 11
Lord of the Flies
*return books*
1. Homework check: Chapter 1 questions.
2. Chapter 2
- read
- answer questions (page numbers, themes, fully answered)

English 11 (3)
*return books*
1. Complete Gladiator.
2. Complete Gladiator/Macbeth compare and contrast WAQ. Due at the beginning of Monday's class.
3. Next week: A Separate Peace.

Socials 11
World War II
1. Future WAQ topics:
- Describe the social, economic, and political factors that initiated World War II.
*Rise of: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo *Failure of LoN, Appeasement - Treaty of Versailles - Destruction of Democracy *The Great Depression, Debt from WWI, isolationism/protectionism
*Fear/blame: specific groups (ethnic, religious, political)
- Describe Adolf Hitler's rise to power/the rise of Nazism
*Timeline/background: - response to WWI, ToV, - prejudice against non-Aryans - leadership qualities (why/how was he elected via a democratic process whilst campaigning to destroy democracy?) - "campaign promises"
1B. World War II Documentary
2. Assigned:
- read p. 133-139
- FQ: #1-7 (p. 137)
- add to essay outline (#1-4 on p. 139)
*Review, review, review!*

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Complete Dances with Wolves.
2. Complete DWW questions (due tomorrow).
3. Tonight: Find a current event and be prepared to present and discuss tomorrow.


English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
*Return ASP and TC books*
1. Finish reading Chapter 1, answer questions.
*make note of important quotations and themes for each question*
2. The Crucible work returned, updated marks.

English 11 (3)
*Return books.*
*Work returned.*
1. Continue Gladiator.
2. Take notes for Compare and Contrast WAQ (characters, plot, themes)
- theme - thesis - 10-15 sentences
*Due at the end of tomorrow's class (tentatively).

Socials 11
World War II
1. Notes: Canada and World War II.
2. Assignment:
- Read p. 127-132
- Review terms, add to essay outline (for prep/review purposes, you do not get to bring it into the test).
3. Informal discussion: #4 and 5 on p. 129 (skim through p. 128-129); discuss.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Discuss questions; add information as you watch the film.
2. Continue Dances with Wolves.
3. Questions due Thursday.
4. Thursday: (informal) Current Events.
5. Next week: Unit 5

English 11 (2)
Lord of the Flies
*Return books*
1. Introduction and background (notes).
2. Books distributed.
3. Chapter 1
- read (half of chapter); finish tomorrow.
- answer questions #1-9 (handout distributed today), due tomorrow (finish tomorrow in class). *Include page numbers, themes, and fully answer each question.*

English 11 (3)
*Return books*
1. Complete Macbeth WAQ.
2. Begin Gladiator.
3. Future WAQ:
Compare and contrast themes, characterization, and plot in Macbeth and Gladiator.
*Due Thursday*

Socials 11
World War II
1. Notes:
- Causes/background review to World War II.
2. Work on assignment:
- read p. 118-126
- formal questions: #2-4 (p. 123), #1 (p. 126).
3. End unit essay questions (prep an outline but remember your test and essay will be closed book):
- Describe the social, economic, and political effects of WWII on Canada.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Begin film: Dances with Wolves.
1b. Questions (distributed today) due at the end of the film (end of Thursday's class).

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. "Half-Hanged Mary" analysis, questions due.
2. Introduction to Lord of the Flies:
- Discussion: True or False?
3. Return books.

English 11 (3)
1. Multiple choice test, in-class WAQ, outline due at the end of class.
*If you did not finish today, you have until 1217pm tomorrow to hand in your WAQ and outline. You may not take it home. Leave in bin. Come in tomorrow at lunch to finish if 17 minutes is not enough time.*
2. Return books.

Socials 11 
World War II
1. Documentary.
1b. Tomorrow: Notes - Causes of WWII.
2. Formal Questions assigned (discuss Wednesday):
- read p. 118-126
- formal questions: #2-4 (p. 123), #1 (p. 126).

1. Return jersey (HE). Mr. Geary's Falcon's Nest training in this week's FLEX.
Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Begin film: Dances with Wolves.
1b. Questions (distributed today) due at the end of the film.

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. "Half-Hanged Mary" analysis, questions due.
2. Introduction to Lord of the Flies.
3. Return books.

English 11 (3)
1. Multiple choice test, in-class WAQ, outline due at the end of class.
2. Return books.

Socials 11 
World War II
1. Notes: Causes of WWII.
2. Assigned:
- read p. 118-126
- formal questions: #2-4 (p. 123), #1 (p. 126).

1. Return jerseys. Mr. Geary's Falcon's Nest training in this week's FLEX.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Complete essay; hand in.
2. Next week: Dances with Wolves, Unit 5 (Conflict on the Prairies).

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Complete essay (hand in by 1030am).
2. Poem analysis:
- read "Half-Hanged Mary" by Margerat Atwood
- answer questions (due Monday).

English 11 (3)
1. Final review & analysis.
2. Create essay outline.
3. Monday: MC Test + WAQ

Socials 11 (4)
Interwar Years
1. Complete test.
2. Current Events
3. Next week: World War II

1. Return jerseys, pick up team shirts.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Assignment due.
2. Multiple Choice Test.
3. Begin essay (finish tomorrow if needed; may not take home).

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Complete in-class essay (one-page, one-sided outline OK).
2. Return books.
3. Tomorrow: First-half of class to finish essay (if needed). Second half of class: "Half-Hanged Mary" (read, analyze, questions due Monday).

English 11 (3)
1. Complete film adaptation.
2. Review/discuss Act V questions.
3.Tomorrow: Complete analysis, create essay outline.
5. Monday: MC test, In-Class WAQ.

Socials 11 (4)
Interwar Years
1. Formal Questions due.
1b. Test & WAQ (may not take home, may finish tomorrow if necessary).
2. Tomorrow: Finish WAQ, Current Events.

1. Return jerseys, pick up shirts.
2. Sign-up for Mr. Geary's Falcon's Nest Training, next week's Flex.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Review assignment.
2. Notes: The Red River Resistance.
3. Tomorrow: Documentary, review/complete essay outline .
4. MC Test: Thursday; Essay Thursday-Friday (one-page, one-sided OK).
*Unit 4 Assignment due Thursday.*

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Act IV quiz.
2. Create Essay outline (one-page, one-sided OK), review for test.
3. MC Test: Wednesday; Essay: Wednesday-Thursday

English 11 (3)
1. Review Act IV questions.
2. Complete Act IV quiz.
3. Act V...
- Questions distributed (due/discuss Thursday).
- Read sc i - v; work on questions
3b. Tomorrow: Finish reading Act V; finish Act V questions.
4. MC Test: Monday; Essay; Monday-Tuesday.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Review assignment (questions from p. 105, p. 110).
2. Informal activity: re-read p. 112-113, complete questions #1-5 with a partner; discuss as a class.
3. Optional Review activities (where I will be taking your questions from):
- p. 116-117: #1, 4, 5, 8
4. Tomorrow: Review/outline (one-page, one-sided).
5. Test/Essay: Thursday-Friday

1. Please return jerseys ASAP.
2. Sign up for Falcon's Nest training with Mr. Geary ASAP.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Review assignment (up to question #32).
1b. Quizzes returned.
1c. Informal Current Events.
2. Unit 4 Essay prep:
- List the political, social, and economic causes and effects of the Red River Resistance of 1868.
- Include important people, events, dates.
3. Documentary (Thomas Scott's execution, Riel's provisional government).
4. Assignment:
- read p. 152-156
- questions #32-42
Next week:
5. Monday: Finish reading chapter, finish questions, review.
6. Tuesday: Essay outline prep, review.
7. Wednesday/Thursday: Question booklet due. Test. In-Class Essay (tentatively).

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (JP).
1B. Act III quiz.
2. Read Act IV.
Next week:
3. Monday: Finish film adaptation. Act IV quiz, Act IV questions (due Tuesday).
3b. Tuesday: Review/Essay Outline
4. Test/In-Class Essay Wednesday-Thursday.

English 11 (3)
1. Return LOTF novels (HW).
1B. Act III quiz.
2. Read Act IV.
Next week:
- questions (handout distributed Monday, due Tuesday)
+ important quotations (essay prep).

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Finish discussing informal questions (#1-4, p. 99).
2. Discuss Formal Questions (#2ab, 6 on p. 100, #1 on p. 104).
3. Notes.
Next week:
Monday: Finish reading chapter (p. 105-115).
- Formal questions: #1, 2 (p. 105), #1-4 (p. 110) **Discuss Tuesday**
Thursday/Friday: Test + WAQ/Essay

- Return jerseys ASAP!
- Sign up for Falcon's Nest with Mr. Geary ASAP

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Review assignment (#9-20).
2. Notes: Battle of Seven Oaks.
3. Assigned:
- read p. 145-149
- questions #21-32


English 11 (2)
The Crucible 
1. Return ASP novels (MD, JP).
2. Homework check: 5 quotations, 2 metaphors from Act III.
3. Film adaptation of Act III.
4. Review; Act III Quiz tomorrow.
4b. Future essay/WAQ planning (important quotations).

English 11 (3)
1. Return LOTF novels (HW).
2. Finish reading Act III (sc iv-vi).
2b. Film adaptation of Act III.
3. Complete focus questions, review; Act III quiz tomorrow.
4. Future Essay/WAQ planning (important quotations).

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Review quiz
2. Informal activity: Read p. 98-99. With a partner, answer questions #1-4. Discuss as a class.
3. Notes: Politics in Canada (1930s)
4. Assigned:
- read p. 100-104
- answer questions: #2ab, 6 (p.100), #1 (p. 104)

- Please return jerseys.
- Pay for team shirts

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Map quiz.
2. Review homework.
3. Essay topic focus: Describe the causes and effects of the Red River Rebellion/Resistance of 1868 (social, political, economic).
- Important names: Robert Semple, Cuthbert Grant, George Simpson, John Schultz, Lord Selkirk, Louis Riel, Miles Macdonell, Thomas Scott, William MacDougall, John A. Macdonald
--> Who is pro-Metis? Who is pro-government?
4. Documentary (take notes).
5. Homework:
- read p. 138-145
- questions #9-20

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (MD, JP).
2. Act II Quiz.
2b. Act II analysis, questions?
3. Act III
- read p. 83-120
4. Act III Focus questions:
- Describe the absolutist nature of Danforth's court. What type of person is Danforth? Are the proceedings just?
- Describe the change in Hale's character.
- Describe the facets of group dynamics/mob mentality.
+ important quotations, literary devices

English 11 (3)
1. Return LOTF novels (HW).
2. Act II Quiz.
3. Act III
- read sc i - iii
4. Act III Focus questions:
- Banquo's murder (sc i)
- Macbeths' gender roles (challenged? traditional?) (sc ii)
- Trace the beginning of Macbeth's downfall & the irony of the appearance of Banquo's ghost (sc iv)
- Dramatic irony, verbal irony (sc vi)

Socials 11 
Interwar Years
1. Discuss homework (formal questions #1-4 on p. 93).
2. Pair/Share activity (informal): #5 on p. 93.
2b. Notes (Causes of the Great Depression, Politics; continued tomorrow).
3. Homework:
- read p. 94-97
- study/review terms and figures --> you will NOT get a cheat-sheet or essay outline this unit so ensure you are reviewing nightly.

- RETURN YOUR JERSEYS TO ME (IN B113) ASAP (or give to Nat when you pay for your team shirt)

Monday, 7 November 2016

Socials 10
Unit 4
1. Tests returned. Term 1 Final Marks posted.
1b. Homework check: Map (quiz tomorrow).
2. Notes: The Fur-Trade
3. Homework:
- read p. 126-138
- questions #1-8 (new assignment distributed)

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Quizzes returned. Term 1 Final Marks posted.
1b. Return ASP novels (MD, JP).
2. Finish reading Act II.
2B. Complete Focus Questions (see Friday's post).
2C. Find important quotations.
3. Film adaptation.
4. Act II Quiz tomorrow.

English 11 (3)
1. Return LOTF novels (HW). Term 1 Final Marks posted.
2. Film adaptation of Act II.
3. Complete focus questions (see Friday's post)/analysis.
3b. Find important quotations.
4. Act II Quiz tomorrow.

Socials 11
Interwar Years (1930s)
1. Tests/work returned. Term 1 Final Marks posted.
2. Introduction to the 1930s:
- Focus question: What were the causes, effects, and responses to the Great Depression?
2B. Notes.
2C. Surviving the Dustbowl documentary.
3. Homework:
- read p. 88-93 (make note of term definitions and figure 4-5 on p.93).
- formal questions #1-4 (p.93). We will discuss #5 informally tomorrow.

1. Press shirts with Nat today at lunch? (check groupchat). Return jerseys to Nat or me in B113.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Socials 10
1. Complete in-class essay (due at the end of class).
2. Homework: Unit 4 Map (label, colour, study).

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (JP, MD).
2. Act I Quiz.
3. Act II
- read p. 49-62
4. Act II considerations:
A. How have Abigail’s and Mary Warren’s roles in the community changed since Act One?
B. Why is Proctor reluctant to go into Salem and condemn Abigail and the other girls as frauds?
C. What is the proof that Goody Osburn is a witch? Rebecca Nurse? Elizabeth?
D. What is the significance of the golden candlesticks? What do they symbolize?
E. Hale says to John Proctor: “Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted
small.” In this case, he is speaking of John Proctor’s not being able to cite all ten of the commandments and how this indicates a lack of commitment to God. What other examples of “fortresses” can you think of in the play so far?
F. Why is Mary unwilling to explain the truth to the court? What does her stance suggest about the
power of group dynamics?
+ important thematic quotations.
5. Homework check: 5 quotations from Act I.

English 11(3)
Return LOTF novels (HW).
1. Act I quiz.
2. Act II
- read sc i - iv
3. Act II considerations:
A. sc i: pathetic fallacy, Banquo's character/suspicions
B. sc ii: Lady Macbeth's, Macbeth's characters (change?)
C. sc iii: pathetic fallacy, bird metaphor
D. sc iv: Macduff.
+ important thematic quotations.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Formal questions, review assignment due at the beginning of class.
2.Test/WAQ (due at the end of class).
3. Informal current events?

1. Press shirts with Nat Monday at lunch.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Socials 10
1. Unit 3 Assignment due at 845.
2. Unit 3 Test
- multiple choice
- essay (one-sided outline OK; written in blue/black ink).
*You may not take essay home. If you do not finish today you will have tomorrow's class to work on it.

English 11(2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (JP, MD).
2. Finish reading Act I.
- answer focus questions
- find important quotations (that support themes) *HW check tomorrow, Act I quiz tomorrow*
3. Analysis.
4. Film adaptation.

English 11(3)
1. Return LOTF novels (CN, BR, HW).
2. Finish reading Act I.
- complete focus questions - find important quotations
3. Film adaptation of Act I.
4. Act I Quiz tomorrow.

Socials 11
Interwar Years 
1. Review. Paragraph outline.
2. Documentary.
3. Tomorrow: Formal Questions and Review Questions due. Quiz + WAQ (1920s).

1. No practice today.
2. Return jerseys to B113.
3. Team shirts?
Socials 10
1. Unit 3 Assignment due at 845.
2. Unit 3 Test
- multiple choice
- essay (one-sided outline OK; written in blue/black ink).
*You may not take essay home. If you do not finish today you will have tomorrow's class to work on it.

English 11(2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels (JP, MD).
2. Finish reading Act I.
- answer focus questions
- find important quotations (that support themes) *HW check tomorrow, Act I quiz tomorrow*
3. Analysis.
4. Film adaptation.

English 11(3)
1. Return LOTF novels (CN, BR, HW).
2. Finish reading Act I.
- complete focus questions - find important quotations
3. Film adaptation of Act I.

Socials 11
Interwar Years 
1. Review. Paragraph outline.
2. Documentary.
3. Tomorrow: Formal Questions and Review Questions due. Quiz + WAQ (1920s).

1. No practice today.
2. Return jerseys to B113.
3. Team shirts?

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Socials 10
1. Prep essay outline:
Analyze the social, economic, and political factors that resulted in Canadian Confederation.
- Essay grading criteria:
- 5 well-developed paragraphs, including a strong thesis statement  - accurate and specific content
- organized - mechanical errors do not impede meaning
2. Ensure Unit 3 booklet is complete. Due tomorrow.
3. Test/In-Class Essay: Thursday/Friday.

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Overture questions due.
3. Act I
- read p. 8-32
4. Act I Focus:
- Parris' character
- Rebecca Nurse's character
- Tituba's Confession
- 3 themes, 3 quotations for each
*Return ASP novels.*

English 11 (3)
1. Work returned, updated marks.
1b. Return LOTF novels.
2. Act I
- read sc i-v
2b. Modern English version of Macbeth.
3. Act I Focus questions:
sc i - paradox
sc ii - metaphor
sc iii - equivocation
sc iv - dramatic irony
sc v - apperaance vs. reality
sc vi - dramatic irony
sc viii - gender roles

Socials 11
Interwar Years (the 1920s)
1. Discuss/review formal questions:
- #1-5 (p. 76) - #1, 2 (p. 79).
2. Review Question Assignment:
3. Tomorrow: Review/WAQ prep.
4. Friday: In-Class WAQ (due at the end of class).
5. Informal Current Events?

1. TBA

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Reminder: Today is Term 1 Mark Cut-off. No late work accepted after 3pm.

Socials 10
1. Review Unit 3 questions (booklet due on Thursday, 830am).
- complete, review
2. Documentary (take notes, add to your outline).
3. Tomorrow (shortened block -FLEX-): Prepare for essay.
4. Thursday/Friday: Unit 3 Test and In-Class Essay.

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Review quiz.
2. Read: The Overture.
3. Assignment: Overture questions (due/discuss tomorrow).
*Hand in ASP novels.*

English 11 (3)
1. Hand in LOTF novels.
2. Sands... WAQ due at the beginning of class.
3. Background and introduction to Macbeth.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Finish notes (1920s).
2. In-Class (informal): Discuss #1-3 (p. 66).
3. Complete formal questions (#1-5, p. 76).
4. Homework:
- read p. 80-85 - formal questions #1, 2 (p. 79).
5. Documentary.

1. TBA.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Reminder: Mark Cut-off Tuesday at 3pm.

Socials 10
1.Work returned, updated marks
2. Lesson: Fathers of Confederation, Conferences (notes).
3. Planning: Essay outline (Analyze the social, economic, and political factors that resulted in Canadian Confederation.
4. Homework:
- read p. 116-121; complete question booklet (due Thursday). Unit Test: Thursday-Friday.
*Tomorrow: Review booklet assignment questions, documentary, essay planning.
**Ensure you know where you are going for Flex this Wednesday**

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Discuss: Modern-Day witch-hunts.
2b. McCarthyism and the Red Scare (notes).
3. Introduction to The Crucible (notes).
- define "crucible"
*Possible quiz tomorrow.*

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Return LOTF novels. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Complete WAQ:
Citing examples from Sands of the Kalahari, explain how the film supports Freud's theory of the unconscious.
*Due tomorrow at the beginning of class.*
3. Coming up: Macbeth.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. In-Class: Work on questions 1-3 on p. 66; discuss as a class.
2. Documentary/ Notes: Interwar Years
3. Homework:
- read p. 74-79
- Formal questions: #1-5 (p. 76). Discuss tomorrow.

1. Dismissal today at 225. Alyssa will take attendance and ride with you to Unity and warm you up (ensure you have grabbed balls and med kit from equipment room). Warm up 3ish (I will meet you there), game start 330/345ish. Ensure you have a ride back to town.

Friday, 28 October 2016

- Term 1 mark cut-off is Tuesday, November 1st, 3pm.
- Make-up tests today in B113 130-330PM

Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Ensure you are reviewing the chapter daily and questions are all up-to-date.
2. Discuss Monday: p. 109-115, questions #14, 15, 24-28. Quiz.
3. Start planning your unit essay:
Analyze the political, economic, and social factors that resulted in the confederation of Canada.

English 11 (2)
The Crucible
1. Return ASP novels.
2. Hand in ARRTI questions at the beginning of class.
3. Introduction to The Crucible: Watch Salem Witch Trials documentary.
4. Homework: Research modern-day witch hunts (discuss Monday).

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Return LOTF novels.
2. Continue watching Sands of the Kalahari.
--> WAQ due Tuesday at the beginning of class.

Socials 11
Interwar Years
1. Overview of p. 60-66.
2. Documentary.
3. Homework:
- read p. 67-73; review terms
*Future written test question: #1 on p. 86

- Brief but important meeting in B113 at the dismissal bell
--> Finals' game at Unity on Monday, October 31st. Secure rides to and from. Warm-up at 330,

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 27 October 2016


Socials 10
Unit 3
1. We Were Children documentary questions due.
2. Lesson: Colony Perspectives,
- Tomorrow: Road to Confederation.
2b. Documentary ("The Great Enterprise")
3. Homework:
- read p. 109-115
- questions #14, 15, 24-28
*Discuss tomorrow*
4. Mark update/feedback.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Return ASP novels.
2. Finish watching ARRTI. Questions due tomorrow at the beginning class.
3. Mark update/feedback.

English (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Stanford Prison Experiment questions due at the beginning of class.
2. Watch: The Sands of the Kalahari
3. Upcoming: The Sands of the Kalahari WAQ:
- Citing examples from the film, describe how The Sands of the Kalahari supports Freud's theory of the unconscious (id/ego/superego).
- Criteria: 10-15 sentences, theme, thesis, Freud's theory explained and defined with 3-5 examples from the film.
*Character List
*Freud review (cite if you are quoting from this site).

Socials 11
World War I
1. Complete in-class essay.
2. Questions over-due.
3. Up next: The Roaring 20s...
3b. Homework:
- read p. 60-66; study terms

1.FINALS' GAME: Unity hosts SSS MONDAY at 430. Be there at 4pm for warm-up. You will need your own rides to and back. Brief meeting tomorrow in B113 at early dismissal (1240pm).

Parent Teacher Interviews (I won't be there; if parents want to meet with me, I'll be here tomorrow 130-330pm by appointment, in B113).

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Complete We Were Children documentary questions. Ensure each answer is thorough and clear. Most answers will need several full sentences to be considered "fully" answered.
2. Coming up: Fenian Raids, Colony Perspectives, Confederation.
*Ensure you are reviewing the chapter every night as well as completing all questions assigned to readings.*


English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Hand in ASP novels.
2. Continue A River Runs Through It (+ notes).
--> Questions due Friday @ the beginning of class
*Up next: The Crucible

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
*Essays returned, updated marks (see me tomorrow for more feedback).
1. Hand in LOTF novels.
2. Watch: The Stanford Prison Experiment documentary.
--> 10 questions (handout today) due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
3. Up next: The Sands of the Kalahari and The Play That Won't Be Mentioned

Socials 11
World War I
1. Formal questions + review activities DUE at the beginning of class.
2. Begin in-class essay (ONE-sided outline is permissible). You may not take home; if you do not finish today (and it has been a productive class), you will have part of tomorrow's class to finish.

1. Today: We host Unity at 330pm (warm-up/set-up at 3pm).
2. Playoffs (+ additional practices) schedule TBA.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

- Semester 1 students: do not throw away marked assignments/tests until Semester 2
- I will be unavailable on Thursday night for parent-teacher interviews; I am available Friday 130-330 by appointment to meet with parents.
- If you are missing tests/in-class essays, your last chance to make these up is Friday afternoon in B113 130-330 (after early dismissal) or this Saturday at Saturday School. See me in advance to arrange.

Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Finish We Were Children documentary.
2. Tomorrow: Work on questions (due at the BEGINNING of Thursday's class).
3. Review chapter so far; ensure questions are complete.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Essays returned, feedback, updated marks.
2. Review homework (poem analysis).
3. Begin A River Runs Through It (film).
4. Handout: Film/novel comparison (20 marks), due at the beginning of Friday's class.
*Return ASP novels ASAP!*

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Complete in-class essay. Due at the end of today's class.
2. Return novels.
3. Tomorrow: The Stanford Prison Experiment.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Complete questions (formal questions and review activities). See yesterday's post for page numbers and questions.
1b. Complete essay outline.
2. Tomorrow: Questions due. Begin in-class essay, outline OK (you may not take essay home, finish in-class Thursday).

1. Edit: Team photo TODAY right after school in the gym.
2. Tomorrow: We host Unity; 3pm warm-up/set-up, 330 start.
3. Later this week: Buy team shirts? See Alyssa/Nat. You will need to wash your jersey and bring it back or you will be charged.

Monday, 24 October 2016

- Do not throw any marked assignments or tests away until the Semester is over.
- If you cannot arrange a Saturday school this week (to make-up missed tests/in-class essays), then I will also be here Friday in B113 from 130pm-330pm. *Ensure you let me know/ask in advance.*
- Parents: I will be unavailable this Thursday night for Parent-Teacher interviews. If you would desire an in-person visit, please email me to make an appointment for Friday, October 28th 130-330pm.

Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Review/discuss homework reading (p. 93-97).
2. Notes: Residential Schools in Canada.
3. Begin documentary: We Were Children.
4. Handout: Questions (due at the beginning of Thursday's class).
*Review your notes for this unit so far. Ensure all of your questions are up-to-date.*

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Complete in-class essay.
2. Return novels.
3. Read: "And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair" by Lord Byron. Identify literary devices and theme (discuss tomorrow).

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Questions due.
1b. MC tests returned.
2. Begin in-class essay (outline + novel OK).
- You may NOT take home; if you do not finish today, hand in and you will have tomorrow to finish.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Informal: In pairs, read p. 55 and answer questions #1-3. Discuss as a class.
2. Finish notes (Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles, end of World War I).
3. Formal questions: p. 56  #1, 2.
4. Review assignment: #1, 8, 10 (p. 58-59). Discuss tomorrow. Due Wednesday.
*Test (In-Class Essay): Wednesday-Thursday (you may bring outline). Due at the end of Thursday's class (you may NOT take home).

**The Formal Questions that are Due on Wednesday:**
A. #2,4 (p. 30)
B. #1-5 (p. 34)
C. #1, 3, 4 (p. 39)
D. #1-4 (p. 47)
E. #1, 5 (PQ) and #1, 2 (FF) (p. 51
F. #1, 2 (p. 56)

**Review questions due on Wednesday**
#1, 8, 10 (p. 58-59)

1. Today: Practice 430-6
2. Wednesday: We host Unity right after school. Also - team photo!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Discuss/review homework assignment (p. 105-108; #4-6, 22-23).
2. Tonight's homework: Read p. 93-97 (prepare for a quiz Monday) + review the chapter so far.
- Start planning your Unit 3 Essay (political, social, economic factors that lead to confederation).
3. Current Events: Final Trump Clinton debate.
*Fact Checking the Final Debate*
4. Next week: The Indian Act, Residential Schools, the road to Confederation continued.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Start/Continue In-Class Essay.
--> Outlines + novel allowed
--> You may NOT take home
--> Due by the end of Monday's class (you will leave essay here over the weekend if you do not finish today).
2. Tests, questions returned (updated marks).

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Multiple Choice Test, hand in.
2. Create essay outline (theme + thesis statements, 8-12 quotations, body paragraph topics).
3. Monday: Last question booklet due. Begin In-Class essay (due at the end of Tuesday's class. You may NOT take home). Outlines + novels will be allowed during writing.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Continue notes - the End of World War I.
- 100 Days - Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations.
Paris Peace Conference - League of Nations <-- brief documentaries
2. In-Class (INFORMAL): in pairs, read p. 55 and answer questions #1-3. Discuss as a class (MONDAY)
3. Assignment:
 - Review all of chapter 2 + p. 58-59. Work on questions #1, 8, 10 (p. 58-59)
- Complete (FORMAL) questions #1, 2 (p. 56)
4. Monday/Tuesday: Review, essay outlines.
5. Wednesday: Formal Questions due + in-class Essay

1. Today: Practice with Mel 415-545ish.
2. Monday: Practice 430-6
3. Wednesday: We host Unity after school (our last game!)


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Informal Current Events.
2. Discuss p. 100-104, questions #7-13, 16, 20-21 (homework).
3. Lesson: Repeal of the Corn Laws (notes).
3B. Liberal Government One Year In
4. Homework: Read p. 105-108; answer questions #4-6, 22-23.

Flex Training 938-1040

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 9-13 questions due.
2. Multiple Choice Test.
3. Complete outline; help/feedback.
4. Tomorrow: Begin In-Class Essay (you may use a one-sided outline and your novel). Blue/black pen, double-spaced. You may NOT take home; finish Monday (due at the end of class).

Lunch 1148-1228

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Read chapter 12, analyze/answer questions (finish novel).
2. Begin essay outline (finish for homework - bring tomorrow for feedback).
3.Tomorrow: multiple choice test, complete essay outline.
4. Monday/Tuesday: In-Class Essay.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Notes - The End of World War I (continued tomorrow):
- The Hundred Days Campaign
- The Collapse of the Central Powers
- Paris Peace Talks, League of Nations
2. Documentaries (short):
The Russian Revolution,
Paris Peace Conference
League of Nations
3. Optional Documentaries:
The Eastern Front
The Eastern Front

1. Today: We host GW. Set-up and ready for Warm-up at 3pm, game start at 330.
2. Tomorrow: Practice with Mel 415-545.
Next Week:
1. Practice: Monday 430-6.
2. Wednesday: We host Unity (our last game!) Set-up and ready for Warm-up at 3pm, game start at 330.
Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Informal Current Events.
2. Discuss p. 100-104, questions #7-13, 16, 20-21 (homework).
3. Lesson: Repeal of the Corn Laws (notes).
3B. Liberal Government One Year In
4. Homework: Read p. 105-108; answer questions #4-6, 22-23.

Flex Training 938-1040

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 9-13 questions due.
2. Multiple Choice Test.
3. Complete outline; help/feedback.
4. Tomorrow: Begin In-Class Essay (you may use a one-sided outline and your novel). Blue/black pen, double-spaced. You may NOT take home; finish Monday (due at the end of class).

Lunch 1148-1228

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Read chapter 12, analyze/answer questions (finish novel).
2. Begin essay outline (finish for homework - bring tomorrow for feedback).
3. Monday: Questions due, multiple choice test, complete essay outline.
4. Tuesday/Wednesday: In-Class Essay.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Notes - The End of World War I (continued tomorrow):
- The Hundred Days Campaign
- The Collapse of the Central Powers
- Paris Peace Talks, League of Nations
2. Documentaries (short):
The Russian Revolution,
Paris Peace Conference
League of Nations
3. Optional Documentaries:
The Eastern Front
The Eastern Front

1. Today: We host GW. Set-up and ready for Warm-up at 3pm, game start at 330.
2. Tomorrow: Practice with Mel 415-545.
Next Week:
1. Practice: Monday 430-6.
2. Wednesday: We host Unity (our last game!) Set-up and ready for Warm-up at 3pm, game start at 330.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Socials 10
Unit 3
1. Informal Current Events.
2. Discuss homework; hand in; marked, recorded, handed back (6abc on p. 92).
3. Review questions: #1-3 (p. 60).
4. Underground Railroad documentary.
5. Homework: read p. 100-104; questions: #7-13, 16, 20-21.

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Review/discuss chapter 13 questions.
2. Work on essay outline/ensure questions from chapters 9-13 are fully answered, including page number(s) and theme(s).
3. Tomorrow: Chapter 9-13 questions due. Multiple Choice Test. Feedback on outlines. Begin essay.
4. Thursday: In-Class Essay (you may only use an outline - one-page, single-sided, point form) and your novel. You may NOT take home. If you need extra-time you may have time on Monday to finish. Latest the essay will be accepted is Monday at the end of class.

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 11
- read - answer questions.
2. Tomorrow: Chapter 12 (the end of the novel).
3. Next week:
- Monday: Questions due, multiple choice test, essay outline.
- Tuesday-Wednesday: In-Class Essay (you may only use an outline - one-page, single-sided, point form - and your novel. You may NOT take home. Latest essay will be accepted is at the end of Wednesday's class).

Socials 11
World War I
1. Finish Passchendaele.
2. Review/discuss homework (p. 52-54)...
- Theatres of War (including the Eastern Front)
- The End of the War (Central Powers collapse, Hundred Days, Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles) - continued tomorrow.
3. World War I in 6 minutes.
4. Homework: Review and read p. 56-57.
*Thursday: WW1 Quiz #2, informal questions (p. 55)
Next week:
*Monday: Review (#1, 8, 10 on p. 58-59), essay outline.
*Tuesday: Formal questions due, in-class essay.

- Wednesday: We host GW (warm-up at 3, game start 330).
- Thursday: Practice 415-530
Next week:
- Monday: Practice 4-630
- Wednesday: We host Unity (warm-up at 3, game start 330)

Monday, 17 October 2016

ALL CLASSES: Friday, October 28th, 1-330pm in B113 - last chance to make up missed tests/in-class written assignments if you cannot arrange a Saturday School.

Socials 10
Unit 3 Towards Confederation
1. Pocahontas essays returned, feedback, updated marks.
2. Notes: The American Civil War + Manifest Destiny.
3. Homework: Read p.82-92, answer questions 6abc (p. 92). Complete map if you haven't already done so.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
*WAQs returned, updated marks, feedback.*
1. Finish novel (read chapters 12 and 13). Analyze.
2. Tomorrow: Discuss/review Chapter 13 questions.
3. Wednesday:
- Chapters 9-13 questions due
- MC test
- Create outline
4. Thursday: In-Class Essay (can finish Monday if more time is needed. May NOT take essay home).

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
*WAQs returned, updated marks, feedback.*
1. Chapter 10
- read - answer questions
2. Tuesday: Chapter 11, Wednesday/Thursday: Chapter 12, essay outline.
3. Monday: Last set of questions due, Multiple Choice test, finish essay outline (feedback).
4. Tuesday/Wednesday: In-Class essay (you may NOT take home).

Socials 11
World War I
1. Discuss/review p. 51 questions.
2. Homework: Read p. 52-54.
3. Continue Passchendaele (film).
4. This week - Elaboration (p. 52-57):
- Eastern Front - Russian Revolution - 100 Days - Paris Peace Conference - Treaty of Versailles
4b. Upcoming work:
- Informal questions: #1-3 p. 55 (discussed Thursday), Formal questions: #1, 2 p. 56 (discussed Thursday).
**WW1 Quiz #2 this Thursday**
- Review (p. 58-59) #1, 8, 10 (discuss/work on Monday).
- Formal Questions + Review questions due Tuesday, October 25th. In-Class essay (proper outlines permitted) Tuesday, October 25th.

Today: Be at GW at 4pm to warm-up, game starts at 430.
Wednesday: We host GW (3pm warm-up, 330 start).
Thursday: Practice with Mel 430-530

Friday, 14 October 2016

ALL CLASSES - If you cannot arrange a Saturday school, the last day to make up missed tests is Friday, October 28th in B113 from 1-330pm (early dismissal day due to parent-teacher interviews Thursday night).
ALL CLASSES - Do not throw away marked assignments/tests until Semester 2.

Socials 10
Unit 0
1. Complete good draft of Pocahontas essay/film critique. Due at the end of class.
2. Complete film notes organizer. Due at the end of class.
3. Homework: Map of North America before Confederation (textbook p. 106). Colour and label for Monday. (Homework check)

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. In-Class WAQ:
Describe the significance of the description of Gene and Finny's room, as well as Gene's insistence that he "no longer need[s] [his] vivid false identity" (148).
- theme - thesis - 5-8 quotations, including the topic quotation (I, I, C, E) - transitions - conclusion - mechanics/format
*Due at the end of class*

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Chapter 9
- read - answer questions

Socials 11
World War I
1. Quiz (p. 24-52).
- mark, record
2. Monday: Review/discuss homework (p. 51; #1, 5 Practice Questions; #1, 2 Fast Forward).
3. Film: Passchendaele (Purpose: Review WW1/Canada in battle up to 1917).
4. Homework: Review chapter, maps, terms. Consider the end-of-unit essay topic (Describe the political, economic, and social impact of World War I on Canada.)
*Next week: The Eastern Front review, The End of the War (The Hundred Days Campaign), Paris Peace Conference, The Treaty of Versailles, The League of Nations.

1. Monday: Game at GW (4PM warm-up, 430 start).
2. Wednesday: SSS hosts GW (3pm warm-up, 330 start).
3. Thursday: Practice with Mel at 430 (may end a bit early due to the boys hosting a game).


Thursday, 13 October 2016

Socials 10
Unit 0
1. Finish film adaptation of Pocahontas.
2. Historical Facts, primary sources (notes).
3. Work on outline/rough draft of essay-movie-review (ensure you have a strong thesis!).
3b. Complete organizer worksheet.
4. Pocahontas essay good draft written in-class TOMORROW, due at the end of class.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Work returned, updated marks
2. Chapter 11
- read - answer questions
3. Prepare outline for tomorrow's in-class WAQ:
Describe the significance of Gene and Finny's room description, as well as Gene's insistence that he "no longer needs this vivid false identity" (148).
- theme, thesis, 5-8 quotations, etc.

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 4-8 questions due.
2. Chapter 8 WAQ (written in-class). Due at the end of class.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Review/discuss formal questions (#1-4, p. 47).
2. Pairs: read p. 48, answer questions #1, 2. Discuss as a class.
3. Notes: The Conscription Crisis
4. Homework:
- read p. 49-51 - questions: #1, 5 (Practice Questions), #1, 2 (Fast Forward) [found on p.51]
- review terms, maps (quiz tomorrow)

1. Meet with assistant coaches at lunch in B113.
Next week:
2. Monday: Game at GW (warm-up at 4, start at 430).
3. Wednesday: SSS hosts GW (warm-up at 3, start at 330).
4. Thursday: Practice with Mel 430-6

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Socials 10
Unit 0
0. Current Events (informal).
1. Continue film (taking notes).
2. Tomorrow: Historical Facts (notes), complete good copy of organizer.
3. Friday: Pocahontas film review/compare & contrast essay due at the end of class.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapters 5-8 questions DUE.
1b. Chapter 5/6 Quiz.
2. Chapter 10
- read - answer questions

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Finish reading/analyzing chapter 8.
2. Prepare WAQ outline (Describe the significance of the following quotation: "Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill!" (147)).
3. WAQ written in-class/due at the end of Thursday's class.
4. Tomorrow: Chapters 4-8 questions due, in-class WAQ.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Review/discuss p. 40-44.
2. Informal activity: p. 43: in partners, discuss questions #1-5, share as a class.
3. Notes: War on the Home-front.
3b. World War I Propaganda
4. Homework:
- read p. 45-47
- questions #1-4 (p. 47)
- review: terms, maps

1. Today: Game at CSSS at 6pm (be there at 530pm).
Next week:
2. Monday 17th: Game at GW (be there at 4).
3. Wednesday 19th: We host GW (be ready to warm up at 3).
4. Thursday 20th: Practice with Mel 430-6
Socials 10
Unit 0
0. Current Events (informal).
1. Continue film (taking notes).
2. Tomorrow: Historical Facts (notes), complete good copy of organizer.
3. Friday: Pocahontas film review/compare & contrast essay due at the end of class.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapters 5-8 questions DUE.
1b. Chapter 5/6 Quiz.
2. Chapter 10
- read - answer questions

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Finish reading/analyzing chapter 8.
2. Prepare WAQ outline (Describe the significance of the following quotation: "Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill!" (147)).
3. WAQ written in-class/due at the end of Friday's class.
4. Tomorrow: Chapters 4-8 questions due.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Review/discuss p. 40-44.
2. Informal activity: p. 43: in partners, discuss questions #1-5, share as a class.
3. Notes: War on the Home-front.
4. Homework:
- read p. 45-47
- questions #1-4 (p. 47)
- review: terms, maps

1. Today: Game at CSSS at 630 (be there at 6pm).
Next week:
2. Monday 17th: Game at GW (be there at 4).
3. Wednesday 19th: We host GW (be ready to warm up at 3).
4. Thursday 20th: Practice with Mel 430-6

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Socials 10
Unit 0
1. Unit 1 assignments & tests returned; updated marks.
2. Discuss: First Nations' Perspectives questions (in Unit 1 booklet).
3. Pocahontas: Reality vs. Caricature.
- European portrayal vs. Natives portrayal
- Characterization (physical traits, dress, personality traits, motivations)
- Plot (what are the goals of each group?)
- Focus on John Smith, Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan, Kocooum, Governor Ratcliffe.
4. Begin film; take notes (handout - for good copy - distributed).
5. Tomorrow: Continue film. Thursday: Background/historical fact.
*Friday: Historical film review essay due!*

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Discuss: Chapter 8.
- (Ch 5-8) questions due tomorrow.
- quiz tomorrow.
3. Chapter 9 (new booklet distributed).
- read - answer questions
4. Finish questions, review vocabulary & notes.

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Homework check/discuss: Chapter 7.
3. Chapter 8:
- read - complete questions
- WAQ outline (topic: Describe the significance of the following quotation: "Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!" (147).
*WAQ due at the end of Thursday's class.*

Socials 11
World War I
1. Updated marks/work returned.
1b. Review/discuss p. 35-39; questions #1, 3, 4 (p. 39).
1c. Discuss #2 on page 39 (as a class).
1d. Chemical Warfare in WW1
- More chemical warfare: Optional documentary.
2. Notes: Major WW1 Battles
3. Read: p. 40-44, finish/review questions from last week, study terms, study maps.

1. Reminder: Tomorrow you need to be wearing your jersey for your entrance to the assembly (you'll be called down to the weightroom prior to the assembly).
- Tomorrow: Game at CSSS (630 start; be ready to warm up for 6pm).
- Thursday: Practice cancelled.
- Monday, Oct 17th (make up cancelled game at GW Graham - be there at 4pm).
- Wednesday, Oct 20th - we host GW here, 330 start; be ready to warm up at 3pm.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Socials 10
Life in 1815
1. Finish notes (Government in 1860, review Rebellions of 1837).
2. Read First Nations Perspectives in booklet, answer questions (due tomorrow, discuss Tuesday).
3. Complete outline, review activities, booklet.
4. Tomorrow: Booklet + Review activities due. Unit 1 Test.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Work returned, updated marks.
2. Chapter 7
- read - answer questions - discuss
3. Future quiz: Symbolism of the rivers + vocabulary...
4. Tomorrow: Chapter 8. Questions due/discussed Tuesday.

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Quizzes returned, updated marks.
2. Chapter 6
- read - answer questions
3. Tomorrow: Chapter 7. Questions due/discussed Tuesday.

Socials 11
World War I
1. Tests, work returned; updated marks.
2. Continue notes (Causes & Outbreak of WWI).
3. Review & Discuss homework (questions #1-5 from page 34).
4. In-Class activity: Political Cartoon (p.31).
5. Homework: Read p. 35-36, review key terms from Chapter 2.
6. Tomorrow: Documentary (continue watching from 23:52)., read p. 37-39. Work on #1, 3, 4 (p. 39) (discuss Tuesday).

1. Today: Practice 430-6
2. Tomorrow: Early dismissal (11am). Bus leaves for GW at 1110. I will meet you there. Alyssa will do attendance on the bus and ensure you bring your gear. You will need a ride home.
3. Saturday: Tourney at GW continued (you will need your own ride there and back).

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Socials 10
Life in 1815
1. Review p. 65-72; questions?
2. Lessons/notes:
- Government Reform & Rebellion
- Immigration (finish)
- First Nations relations
3. Finish reading Chapter 2 (p. 73-81).
3b. Complete questions in booklet.
4. Tomorrow: Review (complete review activities on p. 81).
5. Friday: Booklet + Review Activities due at 835am.
5b. Friday: Chapter 2 Test (due at the end of class).

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 6
- read
- complete questions

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 1-5 quiz (including WAQ).
- You may use novel
- You may NOT use notes
*Due at the end of class.*

Socials 11
World War I
1. Review/discuss p. 24-30 (#2 and #4).
2. Notes: Introduction to World War I.
2b. Causes of World War I (documentary) --> 23:52.
3. Homework:
- read: p.32-34
- questions #1-5 (p. 34).
4. Tomorrow: Discuss homework, group work (p. 31), War on Land (35-41), Key Terms (throughout the unit).

- Today: Early dismissal at 220pm to change; bus leaves SSS for Unity at 230pm (don't be late!)
*Alyssa will take attendance on the bus; you are responsible for bringing your gear (including 6 balls).
*You must have your own ride home from Unity after the game.
*Tourney schedules distributed today at Unity.
Thursday: Practice 430-6 with Coach Mel
- Friday: Early dismissal at 11am (bus leaves for GW at 1110am)
*Alyssa will take attendance on the bus; you are responsible for bringing your gear (including 6 balls).
*You must have your own ride home
- Saturday
*You must have your own ride to and from GW.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Socials 10
Life in 1815
1. Review p. 42-64 questions.
2. Lessons (notes):
- Big Ideas
- Immigration
- Government Reform
3. Homework:
- read p. 65-72
- complete all questions, up to and including pages 42-72 (you should have up to p. 64 completed already).
*Upcoming Unit Test & Booklet due date.*

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Chapter 4 WAQs returned, updated marks, feedback.
2. Chapter 1-4 questions due.
3. Chapter 3/4 Vocab quiz.
4. Chapter 5
- read
- answer questions

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 5
- read
- answer questions
2. Chapter 1-3 questions returned (marked).
3. Chapter 1-5 Quiz (including in-class WAQ) tomorrow.

Socials 11
Life in 1900
1. Due: Formal Questions + Review Activities (clearly labelled; page numbers, titles).
2. Unit 1 Test (matching, fill in the blank, WAQ). Due at the end of class.
3. Homework:
- Read p. 24-30
- Complete questions #2 and 4 on page 30.

- Congratulations on your 3/3 victory over CSSS last night!
- Wednesday: Early dismissal (2:20pm); bus leaves for Unity at 230pm. I will meet you there. You must find your own way home.
-- Tourney schedule distributed
- Thursday: Practice with Mel 430-6.
- Friday: Tourney at GW. Bus leaves SSS at 1110am. I will meet you there. You must find your own ride back. Saturday find your own way there and back.

Monday, 3 October 2016


Socials 10
Life in 1815
1. Lesson 1.3 Victorian Values
1b. Discuss Victorian sources, answer questions.
2. Homework: Read p. 57-64; ensure questions are complete up to this point, review timeline, terms.
3. Tomorrow: Big Ideas, Immigration, Government and Reform...
-Friday: Test, booklet due.

English 11 (2)
A Separate Peace
1. Vocabulary Quiz (chapters 3 and 4) tomorrow.
2. Complete Chapter 4 WAQ (due at the end of class).
3. Tomorrow: Chapter 5 (read & answer questions).

English 11 (3)
Lord of the Flies
1. "TPoE" WAQs returned.
2. Freud's theory of the unconscious (notes).
2b. Chapters 1-3 questions DUE.
3. Chapter 4; read, complete questions (new handout).
4. Chapter 1-5 quiz Thursday/Friday.

Socials 11
Life in 1900
1. Residential Schools and the TRC (notes).
1b. Truth and Reconciliation website.
2. Complete written outline, review activities (see Thursday's post).
3. Formal questions and review activities due TOMORROW.
4. Tomorrow: Unit Test. (see Thursday's post for the written topic).

1. Today: We host CSSS. Be ready to warm up by 4pm; game start at 430.
2. Wednesday: Early dismissal (Unity hosts); depart SSS at 230. Ask parents if you need a ride back ASAP.
3. Practice: Thursday 430-6 with Coach Mel.
4. Friday: Tourney at GW (early dismissal - bus leaves SSS at 1110). Saturday's schedule depends on how we do Friday. You will need rides Friday after the tourney and to and from GW on Saturday.
5. **Schedule update: Monday, October 17th GW hosts SSS (430 start) to make up for last week's cancelled game.**

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Socials 10
Life in 1815
1. Review/discuss homework:
- questions for pages 44-52
2. Lesson 1.1: Economy, 1.2 Government.
3. Homework: Read p. 53-56. Answer questions up to and including #8 ("The Problem of Land"). Define the key terms found on the front page of your booklet.
*Homework check/review Monday.*

English 11
A Separate Peace
1. Create outline/rough draft of WAQ #4 (good draft due at the end of Monday's class):
Citing textual evidence, describe the evolution of Gene's friendship with Finny throughout the first four chapters of A Separate Peace.
~ Criteria:
- Theme statement
- Thesis statement
- Transitions in, between, and out of evidence
- 5-8 quotations (I, I, C, E)
- Conclusion
- Written objectively, in present-tense
- Mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation)
- Double-spaced, blue/black ink
2. Monday: Vocabulary quiz (chapter 4).

English 11
Lord of the Flies
1. Chapter 2 questions due.
2. Chapter 3
- read
- answer questions
3. Review vocabulary (quiz next week).

Socials 11
Life in 1900
1. Review/discuss p. 21 questions.
1b. Create an outline for the following prompt:
Describe Canada's political, economic, and social landscape before World War I.
- Thesis statement: Before 1914, political, economic, and social advantages were largely enjoyed by upper-class, white-European men.
(Check your Perspectives from p. 22 chart --also on the test-- for ideas for your paragraph).
2. Complete/discuss Perspectives Chart (p. 22).
2b. In-Class: Work on review activities (p. 22-23).
#1abcd, 3, 4, 5 (I'll go over the TRC on Monday), 6, 7 (just add this information to the chart, you do not need to write a separate paragraph), 8, 9, 10.
- Ensure your answers are full and complete; some answers will be longer than others.
*Review activities + Chapter 1 formal question assignments due Tuesday, Oct 4th, hand in before your test.
3. Monday: TRC, review
4. Tuesday: Chapter 1 test, chapter questions/review assignment due.

1. Today: Practice with Mel at 430.
2. Reminder: Monday's game (we host CSSS; be ready for warm-up at 4pm)
3. Reminder: Wednesday's game at Unity (You have a bus there; please find out if you are able to get a ride home.)